Big Kid, age 9, too big for public hand holding or hugs, still loves to snuggle. We snuggle every morning in my bed, usually with the cat on our chests purring. Yesterday he took too long in the shower to have our morning snuggle and was all kinds of ticked off on his Monday morning, about the injustice of school and the ridiculousness of the early arrival time of the bus.
So we snuggled before bed that night instead and he said, "I love you so much! I could snuggle you every day for the rest of my life." It melts my heart when he says things like that. Especially now that he's so big and cool.
"I'm available for that! We could snuggle every day for the rest of our lives." I answered.
"I would really like that. I want to do that." He hugged me tighter and then was quiet for a moment, pensive. "We're probably going to have to hide it from my wife, though."
I don't know whether to put a *sigh* or a LOL here.
He's a smart man already.
I agree with BK- Mondays are SO annoying. So sweet of him.....
I love reading the "random"posts on the side. Little Kid sure was a laugh a minute back then!
Oh my word, he is so funny! I love it!
HA! That's too too cute. I'm usually not a fan of mommy blogs but you are one of my FAVORITE reads. Why are you kids so hilarious? All children should be like yours.
Oh my goodness I love this!!! What a cutie little guy!!! xoxo
I hope my kids are as cute as funny as this guy! haha
Oh my goodness, what a cutie.
My 6 foot 17 year old son still loves to cuddle. I'll take it as long as I can!
Ha ha ha, smart kid. I have a 6 yr old son who makes kind of 'I'm all grown up' statements sometimes. And yes,a child is never too old for a snuggle :)
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