Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Simple Genius

Big Kid, bless his big sweet heart, is in second grade now and is still clumsy with shoe-tying. He just takes forever and since our time in the mornings is limited, I often just do it for him so we can get it done right the first time and get moving. He favors Crocs and what we call his Hef loafers (we leave Hef out of it when he's around, but they are some pimp-ass shoes) so his feet don't get squished, but I'm sure it helps that he doesn't have to deal with tying those two pairs.

But lately I realize that he needs to get more proficient with the shoe tying, so I've been making him wear his Vans and having him tie them himself. Yesterday I told him to tie his shoes while I finished getting dressed. I walked back into the room and was angry when I saw him sitting on the couch without shoes on.

And then I saw his perfectly tied shoes sitting neatly beside him.

He had tied his shoes, he just didn't put them on his feet first. He also had his socks on wrong--this has been a problem for years now. Big Kid is baffled by socks. Yes, he can tell you the gestation period of kangaroos, what month and year the original Super Mario Bros came out and has been making a master list of homophones for fun this week...but that stripe across the toe, gray patch at the heel business? It's too much. It's up there with zippers; the concept just completely eludes him.

When I pointed out the error of his shoe-tying ways, he was so chagrined that I couldn't even feel frustrated about it. He had indeed tied his shoes--maybe it was my instructions that were the problem.


Ellie Di said...

That is SO adorable and infuriating. He'll get it, though. My mother didn't learn to tie her shoes with any proficiency until she was IN COLLEGE. I think Big Kid is way ahead of that curve.

Anonymous said...

You've got a lawyer in the makings there! Talk about taking what you said literally! Hahaha!

Katie B

"Cookie" said...

oh! how sweet and frustrating. I can just picture him sitting here.... proud of doing what you told him and never realizing it was totally wrong.

Pickled Blu said...

That is ADORABLE! Sounds like something crafty my son might try on me...i will have to watch out for that one! Too cute!

Jennifer said...

Poor BK. He did what you said.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a little Einstein to me.


Joy said...

I hate to admit it but my 3rd grader who BTW makes straight A's still is terrible at tying his shoes. It is painful to watch and like you I usually end up doing it for him. I cringe when his cleats come untied during a baseball game cause good lord he is slow!

Anonymous said...

So cute. My daughter only wears her socks inside out. She doesn't like the seams on her toes.

Joy said...

Ashley - I think that Big Kid and my son must be long lost relatives of some sort. My son is 11 and still struggles with tying his shoes, and I am constantly on his case about his socks.... I don't know how he can stand to wear them with the heel on the top!!!

He does light up my life with his wit and imagination, so.. I guess he'll be alright, even if he's wearing slip ons for the rest of his life....