We just cannot have cookies in the house.
little kid started harassing me about having some cookies at 8:30 a.m. At 9:30 a.m. I assured him that he could have cookies after lunch (if he ate his lunch!) and for the past hour I have been harassed about lunch every 3 minutes. He knows what time lunch is, he knows it is not lunch time, we both know he will not eat all of his lunch and will probably not rightfully earn the cookies.
I just told him to knock it off about the cookies or he wouldn't have any (because I'm sick today and I'm tired of his bullshit) and have heard 15 minutes of wailing about how I'm ruining his life. So I sent him to his room and now he is yelling that this proves that I'm trying to ruin his life.
WHAT ABOUT MY LIFE?? Who is the sick person being forced to spend a ridiculous amount of time discussing the possibility of cookies at lunch?
He has just announced that he is being forced to hit himself in the head because I have ruined his life.
That works for me.
pray he knocks himself out, at least until lunch!
So, I have to preface my suggestion by admitting that I am not a mother. But if that were my situation, I would inform LK that each time he asked if he could eat a cookie, you will eat one cookie. If he asks too many times, all of the cookies will be eaten.
That way, you get cookies out of the deal. It might shut him up right quick!
If not, I'll go back to my (so far) kid free life, where I am reduced to pleading with the dog to stop stealing my underwear.
Stick to your guns! NO COOKIES! You can do it. In the mean time, maybe he will knock himself out and then you can eat some cookies and drink wine in peace.
I love all of the suggestions that I eat the cookies but I am doing the 30-day Shred with Jillian Michael's bitch ass and starving myself because I plan on buying whatever bathing suit I want in a month.
So I am already engaged in a constant inner battle with myself about the cookies making it even harder to have someone following me around reminding me about the cookies all day long. Especially since I'm sick--seems like you should get to have cookies when you're sick. (I had 3 last night.)
He has exhausted himself and lunch is in 10 minutes. Then I get to drop him off at school and they can take my place in ruining his life for a few hours.
If it weren't for the diet I would totally agree with the cookie eating idea. It's mean and teaches him a lesson at the same time.
visions unto myself
You could feed them to Big Kid instead...
We can't keep cookies in our house, either. Or chocolate. Or chips. The problem is that even if we hide them, my son has a sensitive junk food radar. On the other hand, if we DON'T have it in the house, he forgets about such foods and doesn't ask. I feel like we should be able to have a *little* junk food in the house without having to deal with the constant begging! :-)
how old is little kid? because your little kid sounds A LOT like my little kid! She's 3- and demanding- and a redhead with the temper to go with it. I also have a pretty nasty cold and have spent the day lying on the couch while having demands thrown at me.
saves you from having to do it, I say, and keeps you out of jail
nice kid
I have the same issue with "white dougnuts" geez beggers...its a treat! LOL!!
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