Monday, June 23, 2014

Mind Blown

Big Kid, who is 10 years old, has almost finished reading the Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, a book he found two weeks ago in a box of books that mostly just looked good on my bookshelves and made the occasional appearance as a prop around Halloween.

His chosen reading list this year would make an English teacher swoon and his understanding of what he's read is impressive.

But, I just had to go into the kitchen to help him figure out what was going on with the cereal, after he spent several minutes unable to make it pour despite an honest effort. Lo and behold, it was a new box of cereal and the bag was sealed shut.

That was it. That was the whole problem. The bag was shut.

I hope his future wife is patient.


Caitlin said...

We lived in Santa Fe for two years and we met a lot of scientists who worked up at the lab in Los Alamos. One of them told us about a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who came as a visitor and was staying with one of the other scientists. He came to the kitchen one morning and the scientist's wife put toast in front of him, as well as a knife, butter, and jam. Apparently, though the man was undeniably a genius, he literally sat at the table waiting for this woman to butter his toast.

So at least Big Kid is getting his own breakfast?

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this. I feel your pain. I have this exact issue with Little Cutie. She and Big Kid really can never meet because on the outside chance they fall in love some day they could together cure cancer but would likely leave it inside while locking themselves out and have no clue what to do about the problem.

Ashley said...

Funny you should mention that, Caitlin, we just had a "Spreading butter on toast" lesson last week. It seems like it would be a fairly intuitive process, but, no...not for us.

Good timing, feltsocute, I was missing you and found myself on your blog just this morning! Those two would definitely need live in help (lots of it) if they paired up!! I love her smile though, can't believe how both girls have grown!

Cindy * GoodHaus Design said...

He has only so much room in his brain. Plus he's a dude. ;) Actually I think my husband is a little bit similar -- sometimes he's so busy thinking about the deep things that he overlooks the stuff right under his nose. xo

Lisa said...

I'm sure there must be just as many examples of really smart women who need help with mundane tasks....but I can't think of any! My husband, who can fly an airplane, needs help opening a 12 pack of soda so that all the cans don't roll out at once.

p jane said...

Yeah, it's a smart-boy thing. Middle Kid came home from school with a wicked goose-end on his forehead because he was running in the gym, neared the wall...and forgot. to. stop. "Talented and gifted my ASS!" gets muttered around here a lot...

Julie H said...