I was actually looking forward to sharing my Netflix activity this month because it's not full of murder and crime but I just realized it's still kind of embarrassing, just in a new way.
I watched Vanilla Ice Goes Amish. A lot.
That counts as crime, right?
It's as bad as it sounds but I got kind of hooked on the bizarreness of how he'd wear "Ice Ice Baby" clothes because I didn't even know that was a thing and I'm pretty sure the Amish won't be buying his latest album. Does he have a latest album? Not sure but he can muck stalls and renovate kitchens. He actually seems kind of nice. Don't tell him I said that though, I don't want him to rob my house.
I also binge watched Mysteries at the Museum like it was my job. It's not actually my job, no matter how many times I yell, "Mommy is WORKING right now!" when the kids try to interrupt me. It's good, not great, but good enough for me to spend hours watching it. I just like history, okay? For hours and hours on end.
Speaking of history, I also watched Lizzie Borden Took an Ax and this might be my favorite thing I watched all month. There was an amazing episode about this case on Stuff You Missed in History Class. The movie was really well-done for a made for television movie, the music was modern and interesting and Christina Ricci is fantastic. I am aware that this counts in both the murder and crime categories that I swore I moved away from this month but we're calling it history so I seem less morbid.
For documentaries, I really enjoyed Tent City, U.S.A. It's about a group of homeless people who have created a little community of tent dwellings. They take care of each other and have rules and seemed to have a (fairly) good thing going until they were displaced. It really illustrated the struggles of not being wanted anywhere, and how hard it is to get ahead when you can barely get a shower, and eventually there's even some triumph. I really admired the people who dedicated their time to helping these individuals get somewhere in life.
I also watched Winnebago Man for the second time. It's about this crotchety old RV salesman whose commercial outtakes went viral in the time of VHS tapes. One of my friends was interviewed in it so I'd seen it before but it still cracks me up and was surprisingly touching at times. There's something impressive in this guy's authenticity, and in his ability to utilize the f-word so often.
Love Me was about mail order brides and was sad, funny, infuriating, and sweet all at once. It was even a little bit romantic at times, but I'd love to see a 10 year update on the success stories.
So, I'm really only embarrassed about the Vanilla Ice and the binge watching -- let's remember that I'm old enough to remember when he was cool and I don't have cable. And I'm WORKING. Kind of.
The above post was written as a member of the Netflix Stream Team but, as usual, the opinions are my own. I'm not really working.
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