Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pride and Joy

"I can't believe how white your blanket is now! You did such a good job!" Big Kid said about a formerly dingy down comforter I restored to whiteness.

(I have been domestic-ing up a storm, people.)

"Thank you. It's one of my greatest accomplishments," I answered.

"Of your life?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Getting a comforter white again is one of the greatest accomplishments OF YOUR LIFE? Really, mom?"

"Probably. Yeah. I did an amazing job."

"You're looking at your wedding photos right now."  (It's my 15th anniversary.)


"While speaking to your son. About your greatest accomplishment being this comforter."

"Uh huh. It's really super white though, isn't it?"

"I guess you've had a pretty boring life."

It is lovely, guys. It's bright white like I live at the Marriott.

It's like I have a super power now.

I also chalk painted a metal headboard with birds on it and I'll tell you about that later, but rest assured that I'm crafty this week, like if Annie Sloan and Martha Stewart had a baby that was funny but had crippling self-doubt.

And I sleep in a beautiful bed, in a room often cluttered with laundry.


Unknown said...

I'm jealous of your comforter... What I wouldn't give for ONE SMALL CORNER in our house to be completely perfect *sigh*

Enjoy your greatest accomplishment!

Furiously Curious said...

So, how did you do it for those of us who haven't achieved such greatness in our own lives yet???