Alright friends, I'm back from vacation. I don't think I've ever left you all for so long! I wanted to update you guys but I was in an area without internet (the horror! They didn't even have a Starbucks!)
I had to do a bit of work for a company I do some marketing for and found myself on the floor of a gift shop, stealing wireless and getting dirty looks from people who clearly thought I was an addict. When I finished, I snuck over here and even had the "New Post" page open before my walkie-talkie crackled to life with an "are you ready yet?" I decided not to leave my fellow vacationers waiting, but I did feel bad for leaving you all. I hope you can forgive me. is giving one of you that cute Juicy dress, so that should partly make up for my absence. I used a random number generator and it chose #3, so our own dear Jennifer from Momma Made it Look Easy is the winner of that adorable dress!! I am really excited that such a good commenter won! Jennifer, send your mailing address to my email address over there in the sidebar and I will pass it along to the nice folks at!
Vacation went well but I'm still worn out. Our housesitter left us a note that said, "If it were up to me, I'd kill every one of these animals except for the hedgehog," so I'm guessing I need to start looking around for another housesitter (or new pets...)
Mr. Ashley wants to go to the beach today but after 6 straight days in my bathing suit, I kind of dread the thought of putting it back on. Oh, what a hard life!
Yay! I'm so excited. One less thing I have to buy for the start of school.
And I'm glad you had a good time on your vacay... other than being without internet. I'm not sure if that is a vacation or torture.
Wow what a house sitter lol.
The housesitter really said that? She should be kicked to the curb. Welcome back!
My pets really do suck that much, though. They apparently completely forgot that they are (mostly) housebroken and were just real a-holes all week long. I think about throwing our "bad cat" over the back fence and into the retention pond behind us at least twice a day. So, I see where he was coming from. ;-)
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