Friday, December 2, 2011

Harold Hubert Piggybottom Returns

Look who we found tangled up in the carport yesterday morning!

 Harold Hubert Piggybottom, the same naughty Christmas elf we got last year. I was hoping we'd get the nice type who baked cookies and cleaned the house, but no such luck.

He came with the following letter:

(This was the letterhead, I'm scanning it in for you):

Season’s greetings!  Thank you for your participation in the Elf Live-in Foster Service (E.L.F.S). You have been assigned Harold Hubert Piggybottom for your second consecutive year.  Since you reported good behavior from Harold, it was determined that your family was a positive fit for him and we appreciate you welcoming him into your home.  You are obviously a good influence because Harold exhibits some minor behavioral problems while at home in the North Pole; he has recently been moved from the toy workshop to the reindeer stables after a near disastrous incident with the bouncy ball making machine.  Luckily, he is better with animals than he was with tools.  (Note: You may want to secure all power tools and heavy machinery for the duration of his visit.) Anyway, we were delighted to hear of his good behavior during your visit last year.

But despite his mischief,  as you know, Harold is a good elf with a good heart and he does love Christmas. Please remember not to touch Harold or he may lose his magic, and don’t forget that he will not perform magic when being watched.  Santa will collect him on Christmas Eve and will leave your E.L.F.S. experience survey at that time -- your honest input is important so we can continue to make appropriate elf placement and evaluate each elf’s participation in the program.

Happy holidays and enjoy your elf visit.

Joyfully Yours,

          Bristol Pinelin Treebright
         Chief Elf Officer of E.L.F.S.

(The kids lied about his behavior on the survey last year, because it wasn't that great.)

Last night he painted a Christmas tree (we think because ours isn't up yet) AND he got the glitter out. NO ONE touches the glitter. No one. Not even me.

And yes, that is a tree frog in a paper towel paint smock there in the corner. I don't understand it either.

I think it's important to be honest on the satisfaction survey so we can hopefully get a sweet housekeeping elf next year, but the kids love this little troublemaker and I might be stuck with him forever.


nova said...

I love him.

Sasha said...

I wish I had the energy to do an elf. Alas, I do not.

However, I AM TAKING TAP DANCE LESSONS. Are you ready for some new content for

Auntie A said...

Love your elf - I think we were looking forward to him as much as the kids - wouldn't it be funny if he got stuck in the hole of a donut or if you have a toy boat you could make him look like he is skiing by putting his feet in the holes of those little donuts!

asnell said...

You inspire our elf "Cutie" to do more than just move to a different spot each night.

At first I felt lame but decided to feel inspired. I'm stealing your marshmallow snowball fight scene from last year :)

SWV said...

I am so happy about the return of HHP! This totally made my day!

Jennifer said...

So far our elf has written on the bathroom mirror, created a snow bank with marshmallows and napkins, and died the milk green. I think he might have been hanging out with Harold up at the North Pole.

Anonymous said...

I'm a long time reader of your blog. I love the way you write. Thank you for sharing your stories! Cant wait to hear more about your elf!

Joy said...

Can not wait to hear all about his adventures this year! Jingles made his appearance here last week also, I think he made new friends on his off time because he is getting into some mischief this year :) Maybe he met Harold!

Renee said...

I love that you do this. :) You're an awesome mama. :)

-The Renee

MTGrace said...

Yay!! Harold is back!!!

Auntie A said...

I love your new site design - and don't listen to the haters if they say it is not happy - I think it is quite pretty and happy :-)

Anonymous said...

Quinton Quinby is back as well. Nothing exciting to report yet. I am working up to it. He did help out St. Nicholas and leave candy in the kids shoes. As my 15 year old's room is pretty smelly, I think Q is going to have some fun with air fresheners. It will infuriate him and make the 9 year old laugh. How much is a gross of those pine trees that you hang in the car? Kerry

Anonymous said...

love the new design!!! sleek and sharp, its perfect :)

Welcome back Harold - enjoy the holidays at Chez Ashley :)

Theresa said...

HHP has so much more effort than our elf. Ours (named Murphy) just sits there. Very boring.

Lin said...

I love how active Harold Hubert Piggybottom is. Under normal circumstances I'd be totally creeped out by his leprechaun looks but he's to darn mischievous to not like haha.

Julie H said...

I just love these elves! I wish I had known about them when my kids were little.