Sunday, September 26, 2010


You know how I have one good cat and one bad cat? Pearl and Tangerine? The love of my life and the bad roommate?

Well, Tangerine, who I was just jokingly trying to get rid of on Facebook hours earlier and who I've fantasized about tossing over the back fence on particularly bad days, has gone missing today.

She's a total pain in the ass and always has been. We were once engaged in a 2 year battle with her over her unacceptable behavior, which resulted in a lot of clothes getting peed on out of spite. We finally called a truce, but in reality, she totally won. She runs the show around here and drives us crazy. She demands that we use the exact same brand of litter she's always used and put it in the exact same box and keep it in quality condition. She will howl for fresh running tap water, sometimes at 3am if she's thirsty--there's no drinking from a bowl, just louder and longer howling until you give in. If she wants in or out, she starts the howling up again--and yeah, you think you could ignore the howling but you're totally wrong, she is relentless. She loves us grudgingly and only occasionally, if she's in the mood for us to touch her.

She's a total bitch kitty but she's our bitch kitty and now I'm upset that she's gone. I've had her for 10 years. She's always been super tiny and used to fit in the pocket of Mr. Ashley's jeans. We've always joked that her and Pearl are twins even though that's quite obviously not true. Her and little kid are good buddies; they share a bond in their obnoxiousness.

She's a part of our crazy, annoying little family and now I've got to print up missing posters and hope I can bring her dumb ass home.


Jennifer said...

Aww. I'll say that I hope you find her for your and Little Kid's sake.

Paige said...

missing animals suck---scare you to death every time.

Hope she shows up soon

Always Pretty in Pink said...

Good Luck! I am the same way, except I have three dogs. One that worships my husband, one that is my baby, and one that just is. I don't really love her, but I hate the thought of something happening to her.

Nikky said...

Aw, I just went through this. My nine year old cat just slipped out the door and was gone for three days (two of which involved heavy storms). I printed up posters, checked all the shelters and vets and was certain he was gone for good. One night, I look at the back door and there tubbo is, gulping down the food I'd left by the door.

I hope you find her, and soon. Good luck!

nova said...

Oh no! I have a bitch kitty who went missing for three weeks once, but then reappeared as though nothing happened. That's the thing with bitch kitties. They always come back to howl for tap water.

Anonymous said...

Unrelated...but, have a happy birthday!

Claire said...

I have a bitch kitty too and she went missing for 7 days, turned up like nothing happened looking at me like I was the crazy one for exclaiming over her when she came back. Damn bitch kitties, can't live with them but can't be glad when they go either!

The Mermaid Cottage said...

She'll be back,oh yessss, she'll be back! Try not to worry too much:)

Unknown said...

Hopefully Tangerine will return howling for her tap water. Who else would do that for her or even understand what her howling means?

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

More often than not, cats are within a few houses of their home when they go missing. If you haven't already, go door to door all around your house and ask people to check their garages and under their decks.

I hope she comes home soon. Bitchiness and all.