Friday, September 24, 2010

Put it Back

little kid is wearing a metal colander on his head and is screaming that I don't love him and that I need to say sorry to him for not loving him but he'll never forgive me for this.

(I don't love him because I asked him to put my colander and cookie sheet back in the kitchen.)

Monday is my birthday and all I want is 1 one way ticket away. Anywhere. I don't even need a place to stay, a park bench will work just fine as long as no one is standing in front of me screaming or wanting something.


kim {the non-mom blogger} said...


And Happy Birthday.

Julie H said...

I so want to go too!

Jennifer said...

Well I would invite you to come stay with me but there is always someone screaming and wanting stuff at my house.

Happy birthday.

Mitch said...

Come visit me in Charlotte one weekend! I am child-free and we can call it a girl's weekend :)

Joy said...

ditto on the plane ticket! Mine is in a few weeks, but get this-Hubby will be leaving that night for an entire week! Happy f'ing birthday to me, I may just loose my mind.

Bren said...

I'm with ya! Let's get a caravan together and go somewhere - ANYWHERE away from where we are.

Jess said...

I'd like get all mine a one way ticket to somewhere. Because then I could be Home Alone with my laptop and DVR, ALL BY MYSELF.

And happy birthday.

AnastasiaBeaverhousen said...

if there is such a place on earth where someone wouldn't want something from me, sign me up. But I think as wives and mothers we must give off some sort of scent that says "ooooh! she'll know what to do! she'll fix it! she'll make everything ok!"....even in Siberia there would be someone asking you to wipe their butt or get them a snack. But have fun dreaming about it and have a wonderful birthday!!! :-)