Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh Noes

My laptop keyboard keyss are randomly not working or pressing twice. Sometimes it's ok but i I'm trying to o nything fun or important, it strts going hywire. I don't know if ssome may have spie wter on the eys n not to me or if the computer itseff is ust rey to expoe but this is very sad and fruutrating for me.

Pease send hep.


Jess said...

Remember when my keyboard had a bad run-in with a glass of juice? That day was very entertaining.

Jennifer said...

I'm sensing Little Kid.

Always Pretty in Pink said...

Haha. It took me a second to realize that wasa why everything was misspelled. :) Hope you get it fixed soon, I would hate having to do that.

Sam said...

Maybe Little Kid can get some of his wook fwiends to "hep" you!

Sasha said...

Call IT- I mean Big Kid.

nova said...


Jewelie said...

Try shaking it around, upside down. My guess? Crumbs.

Or if you have a vacuum with a hose attachment, you could try that.

Christina said...

Sounds like your keyboard was attacked my a little one...

I have been an invisible stalker for a long time - but I am an offical out in the open follower now!

Anonymous said...

Itr's contagious, from me reding on my craptop that has the same issue going on... Shking it didn't help.
