I love MTV's Jersey Shore.
I'm not necessarily proud of that, but I won't apologize for it. This show is AMAZING--the cast is completely absurd and the whole thing was a total train wreck from the get-go. I had no idea this little sub-culture of guidos and guidettes (they call themselves that...) existed. It's like watching an anthropology study in progress.
They all dress terribly, have awful hair, 99% of them have ugly faces, horrible accents, no class, seem completely vapid but they all think they are THE SHIT. In a good way. It's fascinating and oh so funny. Also, these are people in their early to late 20s. It is so weird!
For those who watch the show, I am crazy about "The Situation". I know it's perplexing, he's a total pig but I love him. This gets some eye rolling from Mr. Ashley and I get that. I just think he's hysterical to watch. He'd need a paper bag over his head and a gag in his mouth before I'd call him attractive, but he is my favorite character, for sure.
Just thought I should confess and encourage anyone holding out on principle to go ahead and watch. It's so bad it's good.
I lived in New Jersey for a year. Not to say EVERYONE in New Jersey is like that, but a huge majority is. They are kind of assy people. But it is kind of awesome to hear women that sound exactly like "The Nanny".
I have to confess too! I love this show. To think this is my first time commenting on your blog and it's about this.
This is my first time commenting here too! I was just telling a friend today how much I love this show!! I'm a Snooki fan myself.
My kids turned me on to it, now it is a family ritual! The best part is that FUCKED up dancing they do! ha-ha, they think they can really dance
Hi. My name is Kelli and I am addicted to Jersey Shore. I can't stop watching it. From the 5 inch make up (and that is just the guys) to the fist pumping club going, they had me at "Yo!".
Love 'The Situation' too! :-)
Aw,HELLS yeah! Jersey Shore should be required viewing for teens to illustrate how NOT to act, dress, dance, talk, etc.
LOVE watching it!
Jay Leno says: Jersey Shore is to Italian-americans as
Flava-flave is to African-Americans. His sidekick "Kev" the band leader totally agrees.
ohmygosh I love jersey shore. I will tell anyonewho will listen to me. So i am telling you: I FREAKING LOVE IT. Snookie is my favorite bc girl can take a punch. I would be dead if some huge gym teacher punched me.
"Girls love The Situation"- The Situation.
For a mere $2,000 you can get an appearance from Snooki at your party! Shall we pool our money and plan a party???
At first I thought I was watching Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and there were average sized oompa loompa's, then I realized that it was Jersey Shore! I like it too, because it makes me realize that my life aint soo bad and orange!
I haven't decided who my fave is yet{maybe the guy who punched snooks}! Fagheda bout it!
Please to enjoy my own personal tribute to the wonder that is Jersey Shore...
God Bless them, every one...
My husband turned me on to this show and now I am all in. What a bunch of fools--complete parodies of people-I LOVE IT.
However, I am really weirded out by the nicknames. The Situation? JWow? Who in the world names these people?
You are like the 3rd blog on my blog list to talk about this show... I'm at work right now and getting ready to log into tvshack.net to see what the fuss is about.
Love me a dirty reality show!
That Ronnie does it for me, yum!
I love to hate this show, but that doesn't stop me from watching EVERY SINGLE TIME IT COMES ON. God. That was embarrassing to type.
I tried to tell Coco all about it today but could not remeber the name of the one chick with the BIGGEST BOOBS on PLANET!
I spent all day at work last Wednesdsay watching it... yeah I'm addicted. You might find me doing the fist pump in local bars now. Thanks
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