Monday, September 13, 2010

That Job

Okay, so I obviously didn't get That Job.

And I had truly decided that I did not want That Job. During the 2 week waiting period, I would wake Mr. Ashley up in the middle of the night and ask, "What are we going to do if I get that job?" and he would groan and say, "I really hope you don't get that job." This was a common refrain. That Job's hours were insane, the duties heavy and the salary was mediocre. It would have been difficult to turn down because it was a great opportunity, but actually doing it wouldn't have been enjoyable.

As much as I hated the idea of being a non-working, stay at home mom...the actual gig is pretty sweet. Especially in my new neighborhood, which is the Kingdom of SAHMs. Everyone walks their kids to school and chats with the crossing guard and goes to the volunteer meetings at the school. It makes me want to gag to even admit this, but I really like all of that. The kids love it too. We bake cookies after school and stuff. I'm not even kidding.

I also don't mind laying by the pool by myself while little kid's in school. I clean the house in the mornings just so that I can justify doing that in the afternoons. My 2 hours and 40 minutes of alone time each week day isn't much, but damn it's good.

I'm probably going to return to my old real estate-related job because I can make good money and work from home and because I'm good at it--but admitting that makes me want to gag even worse than confessing to my PTA mom-like tendencies. I feel completely traumatized by everything real estate related but it's the most obvious solution, and throwing away a decade of experience and training and good earning potential over a couple years of trauma seems foolish. I guess.

It's just not what I wanted to be when I grew up.

But anyway, even though I didn't want That Job, I'm now completely offended that I didn't get that job. Which is crazy! I also no longer want to be Facebook friends with the boss of That Job. Which is silly! And I'm still over-analyzing the whole interview. Which is annoying!

So I'm still unemployed and crazy. And I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.


Jennifer said...

Join the club. I don't think there are a lot of us that really know what we want to be when we grow up. Go ahead and do what you are good at for now and then later when another opportunity comes along you'll be ready for it. Because anything has to be better than being the... soccer mom. Just kidding.

shelly said...

Join the club, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up either. But, I still do That Job each day. Without meaning to sound condescending, I'm proud of you for excelling at the SAHM thing-I never could.

cfoxes33 said...

It is probably better that you didn't get the job because you may have hated it, and yourself for having it. Or at least resented it.

Mommy Wishdom said...

I totally get it! Especially about the real estate job. I swear I have no interest in real estate and yet these oppurtunities keep popping up that seem silly to turn down because of the paycheck. However, working in real estate leaves my stomach kind of sour. Perfectly worded, "Not what I wanted to be when I grew up". I know what you mean. However living so tight in this apartment may suck me under. Losing the house makes me want to curse about others living happily in theirs. Oh well. Enjoy your house 2 hours and 40 minutes, Im looking forward to year. *sigh*

Sasha said...

I am 36 (almost 37), have a degree, masters, CPA, and I don't like what I do.

I am doing some soul-searching and trying to figure it all out, but I think I'm in the midst of a mid-life crisis...... I think...

Anonymous said...

The reason that adults ask kids what they want to be when they grow up is because we are looking for answers.

Jennifer said...

I agree. I didn't get my "that job" and it really hurt my feelings. Mature, I know. Real estate also "hurt my feelings" the last couple years I was in it, I can't do it again for a while.

Anonymous said...

Try property management. You know it's your fault they don't pay on time or get the utilities in their name. You'll LOVE the job. Kerry.

Ms. Skywalker said...

Unemployed and crazy....outstanding attributes for a real estate agent. :D Seriously--don't you remember American Beauty?

AnastasiaBeaverhousen said...

THAT job would have been a great opportunity.....for guilt and self doubt. Insane hours + unhappy household = misery. Been there, done that. Add in mediocre pay and you have the makings of pale, shaky, crabby, impatient mommy/wife. Not pretty. ;)

good luck in trying to figure things out, enjoy the me time because you truly deserve it and whatever you do, do NOT volunteer to run any PTO fundraisers. They save that stuff for the new parents because it SUCKS!!! ;)

Joy said...

my youngest starts school next year and I am gonna be faced with the do i work or be a sahm to 2 school age kids. I am not sure what to do cause I don't know what I what to be when I grow up either!

Unknown said...

Jenn, not in sales, thank the sweet Baby Jesus. Been there, done that, fucking hated every second that didn't involve cashing a check.

Anastasia, uh-oh. The PTO has been after me--these bitches are hardcore. I was thinking of helping with the book fair. Maybe I'll leave it for some other sucker.