Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I Just Read

that Aquadots are being recalled because they are made with a compound that becomes GHB when it is eaten and metabolized. GHB is a popular date rape drug. Aquadots are little beads that stick together when they get wet, which may make kids think that it would be cool to put them in their mouth to see what happens.

Now, I've been trying to give the Chinese the benefit of the doubt with this whole lead poisoning thing. When it was the Thomas the Train stuff, I was worried but not necessarily suspicious. Then came the whole slew of Mattel or Fisher Price toys or whatever and I began to wonder. But now date rape drugs in toys? Um, hello. That's quite the coincidence.

Clearly the Chinese are trying to take over the world. They are trying to sex up, dumb down, and poison our kids so that their overabundance of Chinese kids can rule the universe. I'm on to them. I'm not sure what to do about it, but I am on to them. And I don't appreciate the inconvenience of it all either. I cannot be bothered to ship poisoned toys all over the place.

Maybe India could be trusted to make the toys? I'd prefer that over their call center positions, only because I have a hard time with accents on the phone. But if they can make reasonably priced toys without poison or drugs in them....hired.


clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Gotta run, I am off to slip Coach some Aquadots...

he's looking particularly hot today...

Anonymous said...

It is beyond skeery. Pretty soon we will have to send our kids outside to play since none of the toys will be safe. Then, with our luck, an acid rain storm will start falling. Heh-I guess we should just let them watch tv until their brains' rot.

~Gretchen~ said...

Damn. Where can I get some of these?

Yellow Fence said...

Doesn't GHB make you sleepy? Maybe I need to pick up some Aquadots for my son's night time bath. :)

Jennifer said...

I thought about eating a few myself. Apparently the drug has no effect on wiener dogs because ours has eaten more than her share.

Ms. Skywalker said...

I can't say don't buy anything made there, because I tried that for like seven seconds before I held up my white flag, but eliminating shopping at a certain big chain store that rhymes with "Sal Fart" greatly increases your chances of not getting those types of products.

Fine. I admit it. I hate Sal Fart and take every opportunity to rail against them...BUT seriously, all the crap in there comes guessed it!

Jaws said...

How does that even happen? I mean where does the invention process go astray like that?

Hmmm, now what what can I do with all this excess GHB? Aquadots!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone was on to something but...

Could you BE any more anti-chinese in this blog? Gees.
Next you're going to say PhotoWow originated in China, aren't ya?


Anonymous said...

Yea seriously what will I get my kids for xmas all the stuff is made in China. I agree with your theory of them trying to take over the world by poisoning our kids!! Luckily I had not broke down and caved to my son's repeated begging for these things.


~Gretchen~ said...

what, are the chinese jewish or something?

why cant they recall any of the toys we have? then i wouldnt have all this shit to clean up

Sarahviz said...

I totally agree with you.
Looks like my boyz are gonna be getting lumps of coal this year.

Anonymous said...

I agree with fellow Commenter Jenn and know exactly who to blame for all these.

My access to illegal drugs has been limited these you think it is too late to get some of these dots for those nights when I am not in the mood but want to do my duty as a good Christian Wife?


Anonymous said...

Can I just say how much I enjoy reading your blog? Today was a day I really needed a laugh your witty comments sure helped!


PS Crazy drama on BB that's why I just lurk! hehe

Anonymous said...

I KNEW I should have ordered some this summer.

LOL at Traci's comment! But even the Chinese aren't that evil - Photowow is the work ot the Taliban. ;)

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that your little "Too Timid" tag has "Help pay for preschool" over it... HIlarious!! You could also go with something along the lines of, "Sex for education"!!

Cate said...

I almost got those aquadots for the 10 year old....damn I waited too long!!


Jamie P said...

Dang, I thought I was going to be original and make a comment about you now hating the Chinese. Ah well! :D

Connecticut Charm said...

beyond creepy, how does that even happen? new to blogging, i really enjoy reading your site.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how long it's been up, but I really like the new look to the blog.

Anonymous said...

Let's suck on some aquadots this weekend for old time's sake!! You will be on SoBe, maybe we'll see a midget on a unicycle.

Fash said...

i completely agree....totally disgusting.