Remember That Job that I interviewed for and didn't get? And didn't want, but was hurt and offended not to receive an offer?
Well, the person who did get the job was on the morning news today and we can all rest a little easier knowing that I'm prettier than her and probably funnier, too. Also, she has a very nasally voice.
She is better qualified, but while she was an hour away at the crack of dawn making money and awkward small talk with some douchebag morning show host, I was sitting on my couch in my pajamas drinking coffee, critiquing her performance and being grateful that I have better hair.
And isn't that what life is really all about?
Damn RIGHT that's what life's all about!
Jammies rock...
That is TOTALLY what life is all about. High five to Ashley. >:3
Yes! I love when good revenge moments just happen when you least expect them.
Sounds like you have the better deal for sure! Even I am jealous of you.
Did you see How I Met Your Mother (either this week or last week, they ran together for me) where Robin saw Don on the news (with the job she turned down) and went bat-shit crazy? "Done with that!"
BTW, I love that you would totally take tap dance lessons with me! I swear I need to move to FL. OK weather sucks anyway.
Damn, I didn't see it but I really like that show. I think you should Skype me in for the tap dancing lessons. I'd totally do that!! But the weather here is awesome and we could sit on the beach and drink before tap dancing lessons, so maybe you should just move here!
lol....Way to Go!
Damn straight that's what life's about!
Damn skippy--that is the important thing
It is all about the hair AND the shoes. I really dig good shoes. Kerry
I love it when you get confirmation that it was meant to be! Perfect! I love the closet redesign, so simple and nice.
what happened to your page?
Google got a new (or maybe just newly noticed) template designer and I was bored last night. I've been tired of the old header for a while now but am unsure what to do about it. The old one wouldn't fit on the new template though so this is our new, simple, temporary (as in next 2 years since I'm so lazy) fix.
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