Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Alive But Barely

I'm home but both rugrats are sicker than they've ever been. Little kid is refusing meals, which hasn't happened once in his 15 months alive. He also is using me as his own personal love seat and does not tolerate me taking my hands from his fevered little head to type.

Big Kid is a coughing, feverish, gray zombie and got explosive diarrhea on my fancy new monogrammed shower curtain (FUCK).

I'm 3 photo sessions behind and I've got a ton of stuff to do this week, plus we're in the middle of an identity theft nightmare. Some jerk named Scott Santos keeps ordering Gucci and Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses as Mr. Ashley and I'm afraid Mr. Ashley is going to track him down and kill him before the cops bother rousing their fat asses from their desks to pursue it.



Fluffy Windover said...

Wow. Calgon, take you away!!! Hang in there, lady.

Anonymous said...

Wow I hope you survive it all. Sick kids are so much fun aren't they? We have been fighting the disease that my oldest brought home from kindergarten for a month now, I actually am sick for the second time. I really missed you it has been so boring not having you to read.

BTW I think if Mr. can get away with the murder of the id theft guy I say go for it. This happened to my dad someone had credit in his name it took forever to clear it up.


Rachel said...

I wish I had some wisdom to give you, but instead I'll just offer some encouragement. Hang in there and remember this is the most wonderful time of the year!

Sasha said...

Dude. That's about all I've got to say about that. So sorry- hope it all gets better soon.

Amy said...

Oh sorry! Kids and fancy monogrammed anything are a bad combo, no?

Identity theft. Yikes. Hope you get that solved fast. Bank any help? They have skin in the game (unlike the coppers)...

Ned said...

Sweet Jesus! Good luck, my brother had someone using his credit card to ship things to China. Complete nightmare.

Misty said...

Hope the kids get bettar...

Judy said...

Sick kids are bad enough, but Identity theft on top of it all? Ugh. I have so been there. There is still (after a year and a half) another Judy G running around out there, writing checks to gosh-awful places and ruining my reputation!

Renee said...

I'm so sorry about the identity theft - what a total nightmare! Happened to me about 10 years ago and it was a total hassle to get it cleared up. I'm sorry the boys are sick! We are all sick here too. Ugh.

-The Renee

(PS I miss chatting!!!!!)

~Gretchen~ said...

oh, shit. my scottie got caught. off to dig the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That SUCKS! I hope no more shit rains on you - or on your shower curtain, for that matter ;)


Anonymous said...

Oh Ashley, I'm so sorry about the ID theft! Some little dung just took our card and bought a laptop and lots of iTunes. Maybe they can hook up and Mr. Ashley can kill them both?? I'll help!

Hope the kids are feeling better soon!