Monday, January 25, 2010

Answer is No

little kid is pissed that I won't let him take a bath after he flooded the bathroom earlier using the sink and a small collection of buckets and cups.

He started off by begging, then yelling, then sobbing and then wailing and insisting that he would be fired as a result of my actions and made sure I knew it would be all my fault. Did I want him to be fired? Is that what I want?

(I didn't even know he had gotten a new job.)

He plans on calling my parents, my brother and one of Mr. Ashley's friends to tell them what I've been up to and he is certain that they will all join him in his righteous indignation and shun me from here on out.


Jennifer said...

Oh no, not shunning. Whatever shall you do.

Lin said...

lol...sounds like your in trouble.

Gail Dixon said...

Haha, that little kid is hysterical! How do you keep a straight face?

Human runner said...

You're in trouble now!

Little kid sounds a lot like my son. Can't they just play with their toys? Why the need to damage the house and make huge messes? It's only 3:45 p.m. and I'm already eying the bottle of wine on the counter.

Lindsey said...

better be careful, little kid is going to the CEO, President and Colleagues haha

Florida Native Mom said...

put all the kids to work then you can go back to bed without a headache! If only . . .

Paige said...

well there is little more bothersome than a stinky co-worker.