I'd like to turn comment moderation off, because we've been relatively psycho free for some time now (knock on wood) and because I'm not always available to publish comments in a timely manner, but the increase in spam lately is INSANE.
I get at least three comments in a foreign language each day. I get tons of "Your site is well organized and the subject matter is very relevant to my interests" with links to Cialis or Viagra embedded into them--just total crap. 5 or 6 a day easily, some days more.
So I'm sorry we can't turn comment moderation off and it sucks we can't have nice things because of the penis-enlargement-pill peddlers of the world. Also, if I've ever rejected a comment of yours for apparently no reason, there's a chance I suspected it was spam for some reason. Don't take it personally, I'm just on a hardcore NO SPAM streak because I can't let those bastards win.
Also, I see that my comment feed on the sidebar stopped working again. Pretty sure this happens every new year, which seems pretty ridiculous. I'm blaming Google for all of it--the spam, the comment feed, the cold weather, all of it.
Cute post... I get at least 100 of those in my in box every day and I have made it part of my day going through some of the ridicuous but creative ways to get me to open the email.
That is a bummer. I don't get nearly that much spam (because I'm not as popular) but, yeah, it is no fun.
At least you don't miss any comments that way! That is why I have comment moderation on for my blog.
When do we get to see Big Kid's haircut?
I DO owe you all a haircut pic, I even took one. I just never uploaded it. Tomorrow!
I'm blamming the cold weather for EVERYTHING!
Ashley, where can I find the list of your favorite books?? I'm needing new reading material and this time I will print your list out. :)
It's totally the cold weather's fault...I'm over this...This is Florida for crying out loud!!! I miss my flip-flops!
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