I've sold almost $300 worth of random stuff to random strangers and haven't killed or been killed yet so I will be waiting for my trophy. I listed some things on Craigslist at the same time I posted on the yard sale site and Craigslist people definitely win most annoying. I think Facebook yard sale site people were the easiest, in spite of being outstandingly irritating. Then real life garage sale people get second place, with Craigslist people trailing way behind.
In my experience:
1. Yard sale site people win Most Likely to Ask for Insane Shit.
2. Garage sale people Most Likely to Spit at You or Steal Things.
3. Craigslist site people Most Likely to Kidnap and Kill You.
I just started ignoring all of the Craigslist people once I figured out the hierarchy.
I have some other things to get rid of but I'm really just over it at this point and I think it's time to drop it off at Goodwill, and by drop it off at Goodwill, I mean make Mr. Ashley drop it off at Goodwill.
I've been trying to figure fall out because we're headed to the Blue Ridge mountains on Saturday to see it. As someone with minimal seasonal experience, it was embarrassing to message various friends from up north and ask them to explain how this whole leaf changing business goes down but Google refused to offer any promises. I thought I booked at peak season but things are still green and I don't understand how long it takes or why it starts. People feel confident that I will get to wear a hoodie, though, and see at least some colored leaves, so fingers crossed. I'm also going to pick apples at a real live apple orchard like a real live migrant worker. So charming!
We're going with my mom, brother and nephew to get some rest from this crazy year and after all of this stranger interaction, I'm going to really need it. We're also bringing all of our dogs (and the kids) and we're driving, so it might not be so restful after all.
I live in east Tn, bordered by Georgia and North Carolina in Polk County. I hope you are visiting Merciers orchard, you will love it. The leaves are changing and by the weekend you should experience great weather and beautiful scenery. Enjoy your trip
That is such great news!! Thank you so much! Everyone else was just guessing. And I AM going to Merciers Orchard and I do love it! Ahh, so excited now!
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