Monday, November 12, 2007

Big Kid

Big Kid: I guess you must have been weally, weally hungwy mommy.

Ashley: Why are you saying that?

Big Kid: Because I'm seein' dat you ated all of my krick or kreek candies.

Ashley: I didn't eat all of it.

Mr. Ashley: Yes she did.

Ashley: No I didn't! I just ate the stuff I knew you wouldn't like.

Big Kid: But how did you know what stuffs I wouldn't wike?

Ashley: I just know because I'm your mom. You don't like sour things, you don't like gummy things that stick to your teeth, you know.

Big Kid: Sometimes I wike some gummy tings.

Mr. Ashley: What about all of the chocolate? He likes chocolate.

Big Kid: Yeah, I do wuv chocowits.

Ashley: Stop you two, you're making me feel bad.

Big Kid: You should not feel bad mudder. I'm da one dat doesn't have Halloween candy anymore. (Big Sigh)


Anonymous said...

That may be one of the cutest things I have ever heard.. Big Kid is so freakin' cute!

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Get that kid an agent!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

So, so cute!!!

Kate said...

Buy the poor kid some chocowits. That really is pretty funny and Mr. Ashley sounds like Mr. Kate - he'd drop me in the shit just as fast!

Unknown said...

these conversations make me honestly laugh out loud. too funny!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my Big Kid this afternoon. Somehow all of his chocolates disappeared...

Ms. Skywalker said...

There's a special spot in Hell for mommy's that eat their kids Halloween candy.

See ya there.

Jaws said...

Too funny!

Unknown said...

I just wuv Big Kid and Ashwee's conversations!

P in VT said...

You are too much. These Big Kid convos are the best!

Elizabeth said...

The conversations kill me.

Is it wrong that if it were my kid, I'd not only not feel bad but I'd probably go "you snooze, you lose, suckah?"

I will make a stellar mother.

Amy said...

Oh my god that is so funny. (Go buy him a bag of Reese's. And one for you too, of course.)

Sasha said...

The Politician has forgotten about his krick or kreek candies... bonus for mom! Big Kid is the best... loves it.

Anonymous said...

thanks, i peed. we all love big kid in my anonymous home.

Traci Anne said...

Loves it.

Also, it totally freaked me out that another Traci posted on here - my initial thought was "Whoa, when'd I post that?!"

Misty said...

I ate all my son's chocolate too!!! I gained the extra pounds to prove it. lol

Buford Betty said...

Oh too funny!!!!!!! I laughed outloud.

Deb said...

That is so uncool of Mr. Ashley to rat you out. My husband wouldn't do that, but that's probably because he would eat twice as much candy as I would. It wouldn't be out of altruism.

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Poor Big Kid! Please tell me you got him some chocowits!

Sugarplum's Mom said...

Too funny! I love kid's reasoning

Anonymous said...

I do wuv chocowits too!