Monday, February 2, 2009

Guess What I Need?

So I've been helping to promote this Hedgehog's Day thing that we're doing on my local site and I'm 97% sure that I want a hedgehog for a pet.

Like bad.

Look how freaking cute they are!

Way, way cooler than a hamster. I need one!

(or three)


Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Do they get along with chickens?

julie & joe said...

Those are soooooo cute. Too bad the cat might think it was a snack.

Foster Mom to Many said...

Oh my gracious- I NEED one of those cuties. I wonder if Big Daddy would get me one? I don't recall Hedgehogs being on his list of "never gonna happen" pets....

you have an award over on my blog. Go forth and be awarded.

Anonymous said...

Just promise you won't name one of them Sonic.

They are so cute! I want one too!

Impulsive Addict said...

Awww...very cute with a slight bit of creepiness. Not much...just a little. How old are they? They're so teeny tiny!

Polka Dots & Protein Bars said...

We used to have a family of hedgehogs in our class until the mom or dad (I could never tell which one was which) ate all of its babies, then they were deemed to traumatic for third graders. I still think they're adorable. :-)

Angie said...

I have one!! They are so cute and fun. Pretty easy to take care of too. They are in their cage most of the time so get along great with other pets. You can put them in a large hamster ball to let them run around the house. I say a total must have for everyone!!! E-mail or message me on my blog if you want more info!!

Maggie said...

There are probably tons of UK hedgehog websites. The Brits are obsessed with them.

Stereos and Souffles said...

Oh my gosh, too cute!!

Peggy's Place said...

Here ya go - a LOL @ a hedgehog

just showed up in my mail box.

Anonymous said...

Cutest ever! I'd name 'em all Sonic, because I'm clever/unoriginal like that.

PaperCourt said...

I think you'd be a great hedgehog mom.

Anonymous said...

Gosh - I'm just not feelin' the hedgehog. They are a little creepy to me.

Jacquie said...

I want one!!! They are too cute! You should get one so I can have one vicariously through you! And name it Sonic... although he's not blue... spray painting them could be bad though so you shouldn't do that. not that I was thinking it might be a good idea nope not at all. okay I am done now!

Hautemama said...

You have to check this out -

Jamiedidit said...

If you get one, I am using you as my example. I've wanted one ever since I read a book about a British family who had them when I was very young.

Anonymous said...

Awwww! I love hedgehogs, but they were always outside-only wildlife to me. My kiwi nana let me put out saucers of stale-bread-sopped-with-milk under my bedroom window. At night we could hear their snuffle/grunt as they trudged about, then satisfied munching once they found the food.

Katie Ryan said...

Oh my gosh! That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Now I want one!

Lou Lou said...

They look a little creepy to me flipped over on their backs. I don't know if I could handle looking at them!

Multislacking Mama said...

I could eat them up, they are so cute!

Ella said...

OMG! You seriously need to get busy convincing Mr. Ashley! I mean how could he NOT want these cute things!!!!

My Prince Charming just might have a hedgehog in his future ...

Thanks as always for the terrific entertainment :)

Have a terrific day!
