day THREE of a massive migraine.
I have been eating Excedrine for Migraines like they're M&Ms and they aren't working.
It hurts so bad I want to cry but I've already tried that and it doesn't help, plus I don't want to hear myself.
I feel like my right eye is going to pop right out of the socket.
I'm even typing as quietly as possible.
This is a pretty pointless post, I just needed to broadcast my misery.
Ask your dr about Fioricet. It's the ONLY thing that's ever worked for me and I have chronic migraines.
Try to nap (ha-ha, I know - but maybe your mom could take the kids?). I find sleep is really the only thing that makes my migraines go away. Thinking of you!!
That sucks. Fiorecet didn't work for me, unfortunately. My husband takes one Excedrin migraine + 2 advils and a heating pad. Usually at least kills off most of it. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh, that's just sucks ROYALLY (and it's in caps to emphasize, not shout)*said in a whispery voice*
I am SO sorry, ugh. My sister swears by Maxalt for hers. I hope it goes away now, if not sooner.
Migraines suck. The only thing that really helps mine is also sleep. I've tried everything.
I know exactly how you feel. It sucks
i also find that maxalt helps tremendously. good luck, i feel your pain.
Hope you feel better soon. We miss you in bloggy-land.
I have a migraine right now myself. I take Maxalt now and it helps...feel better soon!
Must be something in the air! I had a migraine from Fri night thru most of Monday. I wanted to die... a part of me did, I think.
So sorry! Hang in there!!
First - are you close to your period? Women at our age must take iron supplements. I had been suffering from horrible migraines, and couldn't figure out why. I've been good with taking my supplements lately, and migraine free for a good few months now.
I had been taking Zomig, that was the only thing that would take the pain away.
Caffeine, the more the better. It shrinks the blood vessels which takes the pressure off inside your head. BTW - Excedrine for Migraines is just asprin, tylenol, and some caffeine. OTC stuff is just the same.
I take Topamax daily for migraine preventative and then Imitrex with naproxen for the rare attack. I used to get 3 and 4 a week. TELL a doc about this. This is not good, there are meds out there to fix this besides OTC stuff!
I'm sorry you don't feel well. It's alright to post about your misery, it helps. You can read about my misery if it makes you feel better:
For my migraines I'm on a daily low-dose anitdepressant (supposed to prevent migraines) and take 10mg Maxalt for the actual migraine. Just wanted to mention that in case you haven't tried those meds yet. Feel better soon!
YES Topamax is awesome!! My husband used to have a migraine a week and this was his saving grace! Please try something!
Take 2 BC Powders they help with the pain and are loaded with caffeine.
JC in TX
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