is every bit of the messy, annoying, no-fun-for-me product that I expected it to be.
You know times are tough if I'm breaking out the Moon Sand. We've had it since Christmas and I've managed to hold off until now.
I knew it should have been "lost in the move".
Edited to add: I ended up telling the children "Go ahead and play with it for 10 minutes because then I am cleaning it up and you will never see any in this house again," set the timer, and then swept every grain of that crap straight into the trash can.
Never again. Never, never, ever again.
My 11 year old STILL asks for this stuff. Um, NO, thanks.
It's HORRIBLE! My boys got it for Christmas and it makes SUCH a mess. Moon sand sucks.
Oh but it vacuums up like a dream and doesn't stick to stuff like that darn playdoh. Try floating it in water, really freaky stuff!
I vacuumed up ALL the moon sand last week.
Told them I thought it had come off their shoes. "Oops! Sorry, honey!"
Be careful, I hear this stuff stains!
Ah yes... moon sand. I have stopped being nice to the child that brought that to The Son as his birthday gift. What kind of parent does that to another one? Clearly that mom hates me. All complaining aside though, it does keep him busy for a really long time... I might consider it for an outside activity in the summer.
Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!! I denied my dear mum the pleasure of buying this for youngest son this weekend. All three boys have asked for it and every time I have said No.freaking.way. Mum asked kindly, out of curiousity, why not? And I couldn't give her an answer other than, "...because I hate it and it annoys me...for some reason..." Playdoh? I love it. Pixos? Can believe I ever worried they'd cause a problem. Moon Sand? Causes me irratioanl anger rivaled only by those old Herbal Essences "totally organic experience" ads.
Add me to the list of Moon Sand haters. That stuff is crap. Even my kiddos said that it wasn't as fun as it looked on TV. What a ripoff and pain in the arse.
Moon Sand has made a permanent residence in a hard-to-reach corner in my kitchen. It's just shoved in there as purple as can be (because purple is what color it turns into when it's all mixed up). Every time I sweep I see that shit. Drives me nuts.
(Not nuts enough to pull out the table and get on my hands and knees though... yet)
My now deceased, precious, mother got Moon Sand for Big when he turned one. Two years later, after she died, I elected to pull it out in the crappy hope that it would resurrect some of my mom. It didn't. It made me wish that I were dead alongside her so that I wouldn't have to clean up the mess a one-year-old and a three-year-old make with that heinousness.
Yep, one of my friends' daughter got some as a "gift." The gifting friend is 0 for 2. She's given moom sand and "101 foam stickers!" Did I mention the gifter is childless?
We only play with Moonsand outside...just like playdoh...that's an outside toy too!
I have this friend that says Satan himself swept up sand from the pits of hell and then marketed it to kids as moon sand.
Moon Sand is the DEBBIL!!
I am fairly certain that the "Non-purchase of moon sand despite constant begging" is in Big A's top ten complaints that she will make to her therapist someday in regards to how I crushed her childhood and ruined her life.
I can totally live with that.
i.hate.that.shit. i could kill the mil for that one.
strictly an outside in the grass toy. no sweeping up.
moon sand is an outside toy in our house. i hate that stuff, too!!!
Just found your blog...I threw out the moon sand last week. It was the second time my daughter attempted to play with it. What a mess!
Moon Sand, Floam and Play-Doh are all banned substances in the Trenches.
Moon Sand was Big Sis' MUST HAVE gift for Christmas 2007. I did exactly what you did about 2 weeks later: "Enjoy it now, because you'll never see it again."
Little Sis ate a couple bites of Floam at a playdate around the same time. At least it's nontoxic.
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