Monday, April 6, 2009

The New House

is amazing.

I love it. My stuff looks great here, the kids are happy, the layout is perfect and the pets adjusted quickly. Even Tangerine's bitchy little ass is nicer than ever.

The first night here, Big Kid sat down on the couch and announced that this house was way better than the other house, and I have to agree.

Today we made another trip to the old house to get more stuff and little kid refused to get out of the car, saying, "I stay in 'til new house. I only want new house."

They think the automatic garage door opener and ice and water on the fridge door is magic, and the discovery of the garbage disposal both delighted and terrified me. We have sprinklers and a lawn service. The microwave was broken so someone brought us a new one, while we ate Sunday dinner.

So, everybody's happy. So far, so good.

This week is Big Kid's Spring Break, which will be a true test of our happiness, but so far the kids are so entranced with having Noggin on television and their own playroom that they're hardly even that annoying.

I know that won't last but it's pretty nice right now.


Katie B said...

Congrats on the move! I'm glad that everything is going well for you all!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I'm so happy that you guys got all settled in and the kids are adjusted. Good luck!

Just Lisa said...

Are you able to post some non-identifying pictures? I'd love to see it!

jenn said...

Yay! So glad to hear it's working out well.

It's Always Something Around Here said...

So glad to hear you are settling in to your new home!!

Jennifer said...

That is awesome. I'm so glad that it is working out so well. Kinda makes you wonder what you were so worried about, huh? I hate that.

Anonymous said...

So if this house is so great, WTH were you whining about earlier? Oh, wait... I know... to get sympathy from your "friends"... I wouldn't exactly call this change in your life trauma like you made it sound, especially when there are so many, many families SO much less blessed than yours. I know I will get blasted for commenting as an "Anon-hole" or whatever, but it needed to be said. Peace.

Unknown said...

Well Anonymous, you appear to have missed the moral of the story: I had nothing to worry about. Was it okay to be sad about the prospect of losing a home I had built and lived in for 6 years? Was it normal to be scared my kids wouldn't adjust well? Is the prospect of losing a near-perfect credit score and what you thought you worked so hard for over the last decade frightening?

To normal people, yes. But not to you, anonymous-balls-of-steel-commenter.

Trust me, I have enough real life friends to whine to that I don't need to embarrass myself to the entire Internet for sympathy. Some of us find comfort in connecting with others who can emotion you clearly lack.

Sorry you're so unhappy with your own life that you feel the need to insult me for worrying about mine.

Peace to you too.

Val said...

So cute what Little kid said - my oldest said the same thing when we moved last time. We are moving again - she isn't so excited about this move - hopefully I can make it fun for us all.

Former Fat Chick said...

I lubs you and am happy for you- fuck anon :)

Misty said...

I had to move recently and was worried about my son, but he took it better than me! lol

Glad the new place is working out for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad to hear that everything is going so smoothly! Sounds like the kids and animals are settling in quite nicely. I'd be happy to hang out at home with Noggin & a playroom, too!

p jane said...

Congratulations on the move! I'm so glad to hear the boys are settling in well--that's a huge relief I'm sure.

And...I think ANONYMOUS could use this shirt:

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that things are working out. Best wishes!

Catfish said...

Congratulations Ash! I can't wait to come vistit.
xo Catfish

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

I think we need to start a group. Our own AA. Anonymous Assholes. Come to the closet to get a new one ripped. So stupid...

Joy said...

I am glad that all of your fears have not come to light and that all seems to be going well.

I don't think you came to us with an "oh pittiful me, please feel sorry for me" thing I am glad that you felt like you could trust your readers to have your back no matter what your circumstances are. Wether you are living in your dream home or one that will do for now, we still are here and reading and loving every "whining" minute of it!

So yes Anon-hole you will get blasted for being a coward and hiding behind the anonomous comment so knock that shit off and go away nobody needs it here

TheOtherJennifer said...

It's great it worked out - hope you made it to DD's ok.

Heidi said...

Good news! Just don't drop any silverware down that garbage disposal! LOL! I'm glad you're happy and that your sons are too.

Desiree said...

I am so happy to hear that it is all working out ok for you and your family.

Anyone with more than half a brain can understand someone being stressed and worried about the situation you found yourselves in. Enough said.

M said...

SO glad you are liking the new house.

I'm looking for houses right now to move the kids and I into and I'm so scared that they will hate it.

Julie said...

I cannot tell you how it made me smile to read your comments about your new house. (I cried when I read about you moving)I can relate to how you are feeling and I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Obviously "Assanon" has a wonderful, stress-free life. Well, goody for them. I think there are more people out there that can relate to what you are going through.

I know that I probably could not ignore the nasty comments but I wish you didn't feel that you had to answer them to justify how you are feeling. I still believe that if you don't have anything nice to say.... go fuck yourself.

Melodie said...

It's fabulous that the boys are so happy there. It's always harder to make a change like that when the kids are fighting it. Congratulations!

Cousin Julie said...


You need a hobby.

We all hope you can find peace and happiness in your life someday