Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It Hurts

I've stopped turning the kid's shows on in the morning because Big Kid falls into a television trance and takes forever to eat breakfast. Instead, I've been turning the Symphony music channel on.

Big Kid loves this and I don't mind it at all. It makes for a pleasant morning.

Or it would. If little kid didn't live here.

Orchestra music is to little kid as church hymns are to people possessed by Satan.

He spends most of the morning whining, covering his ears, trying to find the remote or reach the television buttons, and complaining of head and back aches "'cuz 'at music hurts! I wanna watch Batman movie!" I never give into him, but he never stops trying.

It makes for a really relaxing morning.


MCW said...

I hope when I have kids they are half as amusing as your's are!

Jennifer said...

"Orchestra music is to little kid as church hymns are to people possessed by Satan."That is the best analogy that I have ever read.

And sorry, but I tend to agree with Little Kid. I would rather watch batman too.

Renee said...

Hey - we've also been listening to the symphony channel in the mornings around here! Channel 864 on DirecTV. :) Totally sets a nice mood in the house and is way better than TV during breakfast - I totally agree! And I don't have to be the Bad Guy who turns off the TV when it's time to start our school time each morning; the music helps us transition better.

-The Renee

kjanedesigns said...

I might just try that... Miss Priss is almost two and we spend more time watching Elmo than watching where our food goes.... luckily the Big Beagle is waiting patiently on the floor.

PaperCourt said...

I must try this. The Sid the Science Kid trance is hard to break.

Anonymous said...

It's so funny that BK and LK are like complete opposites!

Melodie said...

Katie will listen to any music that she can dance to. Her dance moves are getting more impressive by the day.