Here are the bunk beds we refinished for the boys. We got them off of Craigslist for $50 because they were trashed. I accidentally touched someone else's kid's boogers during the cleaning/painting process. The bulletin board was all scratched up, so I had Mr. Ashley cut out a piece of cardboard the same size and I stapled batting and retro rocket ship fabric and ribbon to it. The whole ordeal, with the bunk beds and the mattresses and the bedding, was barely $200. They don't get to keep my pear chair, I want to find them a small red Ikea-ish modern one.

Here is little kid sitting on his bed. He insisted that I take this photo. No, he's not wearing pants.

This is a dove who has made her nest above our back window, not knowing my record with "saved" baby animals. She sits there still as a statue on her eggs, and every day we all trek out to see what she's doing (nothing much).

My real camera has been sitting unused for way too long, so I finally recharged the battery and forced the kids into the backyard so I could take a couple of pictures after school today. This was the very first shot I took, and the closest thing to a good sibling shot we've had in a long time.
The bunk beds look great!! I <3 them! BK & LK are too cute!
You did good!
Oh my!! Such cuties!! Look like two little angles. :)
They are both precious, especially pantsless little kid.
Good choice with the blue. I took my kids' pictures a few days ago and posted them. It was not pretty. Enjoy this one, it gets worse!
Sweet photo of them!
The bunk beds turned out great. They look just like what we have in Shark's room.
Wow! The bunkbeds are awesome! And what a steal! And the cardboard/fabric/ribbon thing - THAT is a fantastic idea!!! No wonder LK wanted you to take a pic. Who needs pants when you've got a great setup like that!?!?!?
That pic of the two of them is great! BK kinda looks like he's up to no good. lol I like it!
The beds look great!! How long has LK been in a "big boy bed"??
They both look so adorable!!
A bunk bed + little kid= ?? Can't wait to hear the stories that combo provides!
The bunkbeds look fabulous! You did an amazing job. I SO love Craigslist!! You can find such amazing things there for great prices (and then the occasional bozo who thinks their garbage is worth a million!)
Good job with the bunk beds! (So sorry about the booger, ick.)
It is pictures like that that make me want to keep mine around a little longer to see if they might turn out okay after all!
Wow - awesome job on the beds! I wish I were that handy! The boys are adorable too!
pants are totally overrated anyway? right? haha
and the bunk beds look awesome!
Such handsome boys! And you did a fantastic job on the bunkbeds.
I think that is a great sibling shot.
And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that lets my kid run around pantless. Of course he is usually shirtless as well.
Those bunk beds are AWESOME we want some so bad for wyatt, if we could only find some that cheap.
love the bunk beds!
I had to come back and look again I am on the search for beds and found some that look like this and had to check out your wonderful refinish job.
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