Well yesterday was little kid's 15 month appointment. It turns out that his blue hands and blue tinged lips were the least of my worries because the pediatrician was mostly concerned about why we hadn't brought such a sick child in sooner.
It seemed like the average cold that EVERYONE ELSE HAS. Sure he still sounds a little wheezy and he has a small rumble of a cough and has really been hanging on me, but I figured that was just the after effects.
Turns out he has Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia or the beginning stages of Asthma. I guess we'll know more when we go back tomorrow. I feel really, really bad. If last week wasn't so crazy busy, I probably would have ended up taking him in. For the record, I did call and the nurse agreed that it sounded like the average cold and said he just needed rest and plenty of fluids. Oh well, I suck.
Of course little kid was his charming, mischievous self while we were there. He would dash to the door and run to the nurse's station to try to crawl into one of their laps or press his face against their legs. He leaned against the doorway of our room and would stare out at one of the nurses as she ate her apple slices saying "mmmmmmmm" and grinning at her until she offered him one. He sat perfectly still and smiled at the doctor while he poked, prodded and gagged him with the wooden stick. He wanted the front desk girl to hold him while I filled out the forms. He is such a little lover. He will beg anyone to hold him and he'll just melt his body into yours, burying his face in your neck and hugging you tightly. He has no concept of stranger danger. If you'll hold him (or give him food), you're friends.
So him and I are like siamese twins today. He is hanging on for dear life and I'm indulging his sick little self. Let's hope he gets well soon, because I'm just not cut out for this kind of attachment on a full time basis and little kid is enjoying it a little too much.
Don't feel bad, we've all been there. Most recently, I've gotten: "This is the worst ear infection I've ever seen! He must have had this for weeks!" and "I can't believe how infected her toe is- just how long it has looked this bad?"
Been there.
Done that.
May I suggest sunglasses next time to avoid the scathing glances from nurses.
Hey, the nurse agreed with you. I mean, Lord. If moms took their kids in for every sniffle, doctors would find issue with that too.
Can you tell doctors piss me right off?
Poor guy! It's just so hard to know when it's more than a cold. Colds can be pretty brutal. I typically take mine in if they are running a fever of more than 101. Anything less than that and I'd let them rest if off for a few days.
Fidel talked me out of taking Tootie to the doctor for a severe cold last winter and it turned out to be flu. I could have gotten her Tamiflu if I'd taken her in like my instincts told me to.
Hope LK gets better soon!
Poor little guy we battled this for a few weeks then I broke down and took my oldest dr agreed he was sick and we got 2 different meds; which makes me feel good cause I hate when they make you feel like you are dumb and he didn't really need to be seen. Glad he didn't call CPS on you for the blue face and hands:)
Get well soon LK! That way you can mix the food coloring next time so Mom has some more great pictures and stories for us!
damned if you do, damned if you dont. just be glad it isnt croup
We've had the bug bad in the Trenches too. Now it's Baby. Croupy and temperature. No fun for this new working mom.
The poor little guy! I have done the same thing before with my son!
Eh... that's the problem with triage nurses and doctors who want to see as few patients as possible on any given day.
Hope he feels better soon.
Awww, hope he's feeling better!
Damn kids and thier copays...hope the weekend go better.
I'm sorry LK is so sick! Poor baby! Give him a hug from us.
Been there, done that. And if you take them too early, then you're the "crazy" mom who is hyper-vigilant. We're moms. We cannot win. That is why we blog. But only because assault weapons are too hard to come by.
OMG, I need an update...I haven't been keeping up with your posts since I've been self-absorbed...let me know what's going on. xoxoxoxoxo
OMG, I need an update...I haven't been keeping up with your posts since I've been self-absorbed...let me know what's going on. xoxoxoxoxo
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