Friday, December 28, 2007

I Am Alive

but I am addicted to Wii, leaving very little time for the computer, and the out of town guests are here, leaving very little time for the Wii or the computer.

Hopefully I'll be back later.


Anonymous said...

Oh me too with the Wii. Too much fun!! My arm hurts from bowling. :)

Misty said...

I LOVE our wii too!!

so tired said...

My right arm hurts from the Wii too and so do my hips from tennis. I'm pretty sure I can consider this working out.

Oh and my husband's left shoulder hurts because I totally whacked him playing tennis last night!

Avery Gray said...

Wiiiiiii!! Me, too! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I must not have the right games or something because I don't think it is that great. Too much physical might be considered exercise and I can't have that!!

Ms. Skywalker said...

Dear Ashley,

Santa must really, really love you because the eldest Queen was told that they were all sold out. ;)

Anonymous said...

That is some fun shit..

Judy said...

Meh, let the in-laws watch you play. That is almost as much fun as playing it, right? Right?

Deb said...

I think I might have actually injured my elbow last night playing tennis. And baseball. And bowling. Umm... I'm not addicted or anything. Okay, maybe I am.

Anonymous said...

Bitch! I'm so jealous!!! I want one too!!!!!