Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Getting Ridiculous...

A few minutes ago, Big Kid yelled out, "So, you ran ober my bike?" from the computer room.

Wondering how he knew (because I wasn't going to tell him until I knew whether it could be fixed or would have to be replaced), I asked, "What do you mean?"

"I'm reading it on Twitter. You typed dat you ranned ober my bike. Did you?"

Oh. I didn't realize he was still checking Twitter, since he never mentions it. Now I know.

And now he knows that I ran over his bike...


Lazy Housewife said...

Oh noz! That's what you get for having a super-smart son. No secrets now. ;)

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Oh, shit..

Mama H said...

He is SOOO adorable AND smart! What's he gonna be able to do when he is 8? 10? 12? He's amazing!


Anonymous said...

Busted! What a little smarty pants.

Maddness of Me said...

haaaaaaaaa ha ha! funny, but don't go changing just because some kindergardner is stalking you.

Deb said...

Literacy is so overrated.

Jennifer said...

Big Kid has made my day.

Anniebanannie said...

So, is the bike ruined?!!! I did that once with a brand new tricycle we hadn't even given to Bear yet. I unloaded it, set it down,forgot, and yes, back over it. Nice.

Anonymous said...

that's one internets savvy 5-year-old. My 12-year-old brother still calls me to talk him through how to update his MySpace page.

Sassy Cass said...

Damn that Twitter!

Melodie said...

At least you don't have to worry about how to break it to him anymore, right?