I still have an unhealthy obsession with Arthur Kade. Before it was sheer entertainment and disbelief, but those feelings are slowly morphing into feelings of hate--he's a total dick.
One of his charming habits is to rate every woman he encounters (Angelina Jolie isn't quite a 9, she's not even that hot in his book). He also thinks he is extremely good looking and charming and I just flat out disagree. My mom thinks he's "cute, but acts totally queer" and I just don't really see the "cute" part, but she is almost legally blind.
So humor me and take the poll above. Visit www.Arthurkade.com and be sure to look at more than his modeling pictures--don't worry, he has plenty of photos of himself up in posts, you can even watch video.
P.S. Oh and please answer honestly. Forget what a total dickwad douchebag he is and vote on looks alone, ignoring my obvious bias.
I think I have a girl crush on you Ashley. LOL! I couldn't agree with you more!
He does make me puke a little in my mouth, but its not cause of his looks - he's just a dick. About a 3 I would say.
Okay. I voted average, because while I can see where he *could* be considered very attractive, he really doesn't do it for me at all.
That said, he looks very much like someone I once dated. At the time I thought he was amazingly beautiful and was floored he would consider talking to me let alone dating me. He turned out to be a self-inflated macho schmuck who was nowhere near measuring up to his imagined boudoir or guitar skills...which greatly lessened his beauty.
Huh. Reading what Mr. Kade has to say about himself gave me flashbacks to old-what's-his-face so maybe those looks breed that "type."
haha, check out the latest link on his press page. I hope everyone that links him automatically shows up there and he not posting it himself.
oh and, what kind of loser takes that many pictures of everything that they do? seriously, put the camera away, it's not helping.
I voted 1-2, but he's not really "butt fucking ugly." I voted regarding the "makes me puke in my mouth."
He claims in his latest post that a girl he knows is "routing" for him. Lucky him. Seems like a prick.
You have gotten me addicted to his site - and I have even joined the commentators about his weirdness.
At first I thought the site was a joke - but frighteningly enough, now I think it is serious. I also think he is a pig - only a pig would rate women like he does.
This guy is a train wreck and it's impossible to look away.
Too many pictures, WAY too many pictures of himself. Thanks for the link...he makes the men I know seem so nice and normal!
No woman I know wants a man that takes longer to get ready than she does. He's obviously been paid for looking good and it's caused him severe brain damage. This makes him totally unattractive to me.
I voted unattractive but was being kind...it's a little closer to the fugly response. The guy looks like Sly Stallone had an unfortunate mutation of some sort and this is what resulted.
I was looking at the pictures with Jamie Foxx and he totally cropped one of them and cut that one lady out. I can just imagine he's one of those people hanging around and then when the camera comes out he's jumping in every picture knocking down anyone that gets in his way. I've seen his type a million times. What a loser! I'm too afraid to watch his "morning routine" video...don't want to puke.
I had to vote 1-2 because even if I knew nothing from his blog I could totally pick him out as the biggest D-bag in the bunch by his skeevy pervish looks. Totally makes me throw up a little in my mouth. :p
I am so glad that you posted this today. I came here to find a way to email you about A.K. because I just want to say.... Thanks Ashley, thanks. a. lot. I totally agree with the train wreck analogy. I so don't want to visit his site daily and I DO. It makes me sick to my stomach but I can't look away. It's a freak show. In my book he's a minus one.
Julie, I am with you there. I can't stop reading his site. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Ashley. I am just incredulous at most of the stuff he writes. Today's post was indescribable. I had to rate him a 1-2. I tried not to take into account his incredible douchebaginess and for the most part succeeded, but he even looks like an ignorant prick. Throw in his personality and he's a -10 to me.
arthur kade needs a serious ashley tisdale. hellllllo nose.
I realize he technically lives in Philadelphia, but the dude looks like EVERY Jersey guido: totally forgettable, once you stop laughing.
Hi Ashley!
Love your site :)
I had to force myself to be fair. His personality makes him a 1-2. But if I went on looks alone I would say average...not someone I would be attracted to but I could see how some women would like his look. He is a total douche though. I am another who cannot look away from this train wreck.
I don't know, he just doesn't do it for me.
He reminds me of Sacha Baron Cohen in Talledega Nights.
"Is that a catchphrase or epilepsy?"
he has a certain stallone-esque quality (not a compliment).
He looks like a gay Judd Nelson to me - and not in a good way. Forget he's a dooshbag and can't spell and is a shallow POS...he's not NEARLY as good looking at he thinks he is. And his peepee is probably REALLY small.
Does he remind anyone else of the rebel in The Breakfast Club? Judd Nelson.
He never did it for me either.
We think alike TheOtherJennifer. LOL
matt's here! i like him. the closet is way more fun than team kade, stick around.
he is one of those people that looks dirty...like kind of greasy. His nose is weird and NO...totally does not do it for me. Fell out of the ugly tree and hit EVERY branch on the way down.
he's a douchetool
Poor guy. You gotta pity him. My co-worker would say "that's just nature taking care of itself" when he encountered a good looking person with low intelligence or zero social skills. To apply my co-worker's theory, AK probably has a huge schlong.
What a waste.
Um, no, no, no, freaking A no. Dude is not hot, gorgeous or DEElish by any means. He is only remotely attractive in that he doesn't APPEAR to have horns. However, there is something utterly disturbing about someone with a constant look of surprise.
It kills me when tools like this rate the hotness of women, thinking themselves to be experts (and hot themselves) simply by virtue of being a man.
I think I might hate him. And yes, that is based on his looks alone because his eyes definitely say, "I'm an A$$ who thinks all women can only die happy after they've gotten a taste of me."
i touch myself a little every time i see him.
I've become accidentally obsessed with this guy too! I am still sure that he must be some sort of fictional creation, although he could possibly be real, as to my great shame, he is like the exact Philadelphia equivalent of a guy I dated for a few weeks late last year, the boy version of a butterface (nice body, but her face....) and with a horrifically obnoxious personality to boot! I do not usually go for the smug overly self confident sleezebag type, it was an experiement in dating outside my usual comfort-zone (skinny, geeky looking boys) but it seems there is a gym-time/personality inverse ratio, and that having a sculpted torso leads to some strange belief that you are in fact entirely perfect, not just that you have some aesthetically pleasing musculature.
oh i TOTALLY have an obsession as well. And not in a good way. More in the way some people have obsessions with picking their scabs.
YOu know what? even if you DON'T read this guy's blog, you can tell he's a douche.
As far as bone structure goes, yeah, I guess he's good looking. But he's so over-manicured and his goofball expressiong ("look at me, I'm perfect") bring him WAY down on the scale, as far as I'm concerned.
I need to bookmark this guy's blog!
Boycott Arthur Kade!
Petition at http://petition.mgraham.us
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