Monday, March 9, 2009

Starbucks Interview with Big Kid

I hesitate to share this because it makes Big Kid look crazy with an extra side of crazy, but I interviewed him about his Starbucks issues and have decided to go ahead and share it with you all with the disclaimer that his weirdness is amplified by 100x on camera.

I swear he's not quite so quirky during a normal conversation, apparently Starbucks just really gets him going:

I was going to post other videos but that one took 14 years to upload, we'll try again tomorrow.


Maggie said...

That is priceless!! His facial expressions were killing me!

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha, hilarious, and too cute!
I have to say, you have the "Big Kid accent" down pat when you put it into written form :-)
Love me some Starbucks!

Schmoochiepoo said...

What a cutie, he's so serious about Starbucks!

And if that's crazy with an extra side, you lucked out. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, your boy is freaking adorable. I have been reading this blog for about a year and I love it. Anyways, this post just takes the cake, I have never laughed so hard in my life. It's great!

Katie said...

That was too cute!! I love the way he says "I dont know why".

You have captured him perfectly in your transcripts.

jenn said...

Wow. He's really quite passionate about this. Have you tried buying him one of their Vanilla Bean or Double Chocolate Chip frapuccinos (they don't have coffee in them)? I bet he'd do a 180 on his Starbucks policy hella quick.

FYI - Starbucks will SPLIT a tall (small) frap between two cups for your kids! Score!

Bad Mommy said...

Long time lurker here.

I'm completely jealous of your voice. I sound like a squawking chicken.

You should be a phone sex operator. Seriously.

Sasha said...

I heart big kid.

Melissa said...

That was adorable! You could tell her was getting riled up by Starbucks! This video will be awesome to show him when he's older!

Scary Mommy said...

Big Kid for president!!

Polka Dots & Protein Bars said...

I LOVE it! What a great way to start my Tuesday.

Melanie said...

Wow. Don't feel bad. I think Big Kid is an exact clone of my Big. I don't know where they get the facial expressions or the strange ideas.

Anonymous said...

HAHA! This is cute and funny for its own good!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love it. I love BK video. That one of him reciting the alphabet backwards was too funny! But, this one is freaking precious... With his little flustered facial expressions!Awwwww. But, he's so going to hate you one day for these!

I want to see lk video. You sooo need to put up some of him in action.

Desiree said...

Thanks for the chuckle, he is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

I'm giggling now! He's not crazy, he just has opinions, that's all. I love that he is so adamant about it. Thanks for sharing with us.

Ceci Virtue said...

oh I love it! He's soooo... soo... serious and... what's the word??? convicted? determined? in what he's saying. It just IS! No black or white.

Love it!

It's always interesting to hear someone's voice. I totally thought you're voice would have a touch of raspy to it. Ha!

Anonymous said...

God forbid his future girlfriend or wife is into fancy coffee. Look out!

Anonymous said...

Is that LK we hear in the background? BK haz the onions!

Anonymous said...

LMAO at his comment at the "fing" on the front of the "pit-ser", I totally agree! He's too cute!

I think I was more shocked at hearing your voice, it sounds freakishly like mine when I hear myself on video. DS came into the room and said "do I have anything else to say about what?" because he thought it was me talking. Weird.

Thanks for sharing!



Melissa said...

Big Kids facial expressions are so cute!!!

I love his voice!!

Anniebanannie said...

OMG...when you question him about it being 5 bucks,LOVE his look and response over his left shoulder. TOO CUTE!

SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

I must second Bad Mommy's comment above: with that voice there is serious money to be know, if the other stuff doesn't pan out.

Lipstick said...

BK is too cute!
I have to join in with the others and tell you that you have such a cool sounding voice. Yep, I'm jealous.

~Gretchen~ said...

If you were a good mother, he'd have his shirt buttoned.

Unknown said...

That's funny because I cringe to hear my own voice and almost didn't share so you all wouldn't hear it!

Cake, let's open a phone sex business!

Gretchen, I'm not a good mom--he's lucky he even had a shirt on.

Yep, Big Kid is definitely onionated! Wonder where he gets that from...

Melodie said...

He's too freakin' cute! I can't wait until he starts his own blog!

Beth said...

I <3 BK! I agree that you need to post a video featuring lk.

Anonymous said...

HOLY MOLY! "I don't know WHY!"