Saturday, April 11, 2009

5 Links

Humans helping robots--I don't know why but this sweet little tale of people helping little robots get to their destinations made me a little emotional this morning. People are good.

Don't boo Billy--Billy Bob Thornton is a pussy. I kind of liked him at one time, but can't recall why.

Visual Guide to Deflation
--I thought this was simple and informative. The subject matter is still a little too smart/depressing for a Saturday morning, but I thought it was good.

Square foot gardening--This is a neat idea. I have the perfect spot to do it but I'm trying to stop killing stuff, so I probably won't.

Recycled glass countertops--I really like these. Some of them are a bit too much like Terrazzo flooring to me, which I think is manufactured similarly, but many of them are really pretty.


Lipstick said...

Thank you for sharing! I love your links posts!

Joy said...

I had to LOL at Billy being Booed. Especially since it happened in Toronto.