Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Links of Interest

The Dark Side of Dubai--not all that glitters is gold
Real Age quiz is selling people's data--that's really not cool
A woman-only workplace is a bad idea--yeah, women can be bitches.
A word game I waste too much time on--it's not even finished yet, but I really like it
We are small--puts things in perspective. It also proves that it is crazy to think there's nothing else out there.
Final meal requests of Texas death row inmates
--I found this oddly compelling.


Anonymous said...

Wow- the death row inmates one is REALLY intriguing!! I *must* be PMS'ing because I felt like crying for them... for a minute at least! Thanks for posting this!

Monica said...

Coming out of my lurking spot...

Wow. The final meals first makes me sad and second makes me realize how much those people were reaching for their comfort foods. I couldn't help but wonder how many of those meals were reminiscent of what their mama would made for them if she could. And holy cow, cheeseburgers!

Anonymous said...

I live in Dubai (OK I live in the UAE and go to Dubai weekly for things like groceries and doctors) . The labour problem is real. The way the portryaed us westren expats though is very misleading!


Renee said...

The final meal requests made me kinda sad, until I clicked on a few links to see why they were on death row. Yikes. The one that really made me pause was the birthday cake with a date written on it, and 7 pink candles. :( The ones where they just wanted one or two things were the most interesting to me - like a bag of Jolly Ranchers, or a cup of tea and 6 chocolate chip cookies.

-The Renee

SWAW Samantha said...

The RealAge thing is totally annoying. Stupid pharmaceutical bastards!

The galaxy thing was really interesting! I'll have to share it with my husband. Very cool!

The last meal thing was total bullshit. I guess when you're about to be executed the last thing you care about is gluttony, but still! Ugh! Who eats that much???

Things I May Regret Writing said...

The final meals were really interesting. so many hamburgers and french fries. For the record, I would totally have chili cheese fries. Do they let you have alcohol, too? I would want at least a beer, but probably vodka.


Claire said...

You know what I think was interesting about the Death Row inmates? Most of them wanted some type of fresh vegetable or salad. That really surprised me.

Ami said...

I had the exact same reaction as Renee when reading the final meals thing... even noticing the same 3 and thinking they were comment-worthy.

Things I May Regret Writing said...

Ack, I just spent my entire morning reading every single word in that Dubai article. What a compelling read! Just heartbreaking. -Lilly

Melissa said...

Ok I work in an all women office mostly (one man). But we are nothing like those women! I wish! It would make my day a whole lot cooler and less boring!


Love the guy who asked for "Justice, Equality, World Peace" (Number 209). If these guys weren't killed by the state, their cholesterol would kill them...holy trans fats Batman! I've seen one guy ask for something vaguely nutritious...not that it matters ("Heaping portion of lettuce, a sliced tomato, a sliced cucumber, four celery stalks, four sticks of American or Cheddar cheese, two bananas and two cold half pints of milk. Asked that all vegetables be washed prior to serving. Also asked that the cheese sticks be clean.") Another guy asked for the Eucharist as his last meal.