Yesterday I gave each of the boys a small heart-shaped box of chocolates along with a small toy and card.
Then I made waffles (which is dangerous shit, no one can convince me otherwise) and as I was doing that, little kid walked up and said, "Mumum, I needa talk to you," and wiggled his finger for me to come down to his level. I crouched down so we were face to face.
"Now mumum, I don't want you eatin' my chocawits when I go to bed at nights, mmkay?"
"I wouldn't do that, little kid! And anyway, you share with your mama!!"
"No, not chocawits and you do do it, mumum."
I do eat their candy on occasion...and it's my right as a mother, dammit.
I wasn't going to this time though.
My husband did the same thing.... not five minutes after Miss Priss got her Valentine Candy, he announced that she wasn't old enough for THAT kind of chocolate, popped open the box and took out two pieces. So I didn't feel guilty when I ate the last bite of Valentine Cupcakes after he went to bed last night.
That's funny, I got a similar talk from my Lil Miss yesterday. LOL, too funny.
I eat them too, but only if they won't notice. Our box of chocolates only had four too, so there was no way to sneak one or two. You're totally within your rights as a mother to have some of their chocolates. We call it a "tax" in our house.
Well that just isn't fair. They eat ALL of our food. I have to share my breakfast every single morning. I think I would take one now just because.
Oh if it's there....I don't care whose it is...I'm eatin' it. But if it's mine...everyone better stay the hell away from MY candy!
My dad ate my chocolate Easter bunny out of my basket when I was 7 and I cried for two days. I never forgot it and I bring it up every year (to which my dad melts into a puddle like I shot him). I'm 45 now.
So there is a line, be careful :)
You're all lucky. My rotten little beast, I mean, beautiful daughter snuck into my sewing room where I stashed my one and only piece of Valentine's candy (THAT I BOUGHT MYSELF!) and snarfed that Reese's Heart down like there was no tomorrow. She better watch out...the "Easter Bunny" has a LONG memory!
I was going to steal one from my son and told him I was...opened the box and he took a bite out of all of them to find the one he wanted to eat....foiled again. LMAO
My genius mom bought us candy that she didn't like, thus, wasn't tempted to steal but even better, bought herself candy we didn't like.
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