Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Big Kid Hates Rush

This morning on the way to school I was listening to a radio show that was playing clips of Rush Limbaugh telling a Republican war veteran that he wasn't a true Republican because he didn't believe in torture. (If I was a Republican, I'd be thrilled to have this freak defining the role for me.)

At one point, Rush said something along the lines of: "Barack Obama is president because of a bunch of stupid, idiotic people," and I heard Big Kid gasp from the back seat.

"Why did he say dat, mom?"

"Because he's a bad man," I replied angrily. "Wait, that's not right for me to say. I don't know that he's a bad man," I lied. "I just know that he's a poor sport and very close-minded. Some people are open-minded and willing to try new things, give people a chance and respect the opinions of others. Other people think they are right no matter what, they already know everything, and anyone that doesn't agree with them is stupid and idiotic. He's mad because his guy didn't win and he hopes President Obama does a bad job so he can say he was right."

"He wants da president to do a bad job? I feel so mad right now. My brain is like shakin' around in my head, and it wants to pop out and punch dis guy in da eye."

"Well, that's not right either...but he does make a lot of people feel that way."

God, I love that kid. He is my boy, through and through.

You'll also be interested to know that, according to Rush, torture never killed anyone. Maybe he'll sign up for some? Perhaps we can round up a bunch of politically minded five year olds who want to punch him in the eye?

Of all the Oxycontin overdoses, why couldn't this fat fuck be one of them?


Lorena said...

Big Kid is so right; too bad it takes a child to put it into perspective for so many. Rush Limbaugh is an ass....

Anonymous said...

Rush Lim will get his turn, just you wait.

Your Big Kid is so adorable...I love his vernacular...I want a kid like that! :)

Former Fat Chick said...

Oh my BOG! I love Big Kid more than ever!

the mom said...

Is it bad that when I saw the title of this post in my reader, I thought it was going to be about sorority rush.?

p jane said...

Just so you know...I (quietly) call myself a Republican and *I* cannot stand Rush either. I cringe that he represents my political, I cringe that we share a COUNTRY affiliation!


Slack said...

I, too, want to punch that guy in the eye! And I love Big Kid and his perspective so much! Thanks for raising such an insightful child.

Lyndsay said...

Okay, this post is one of three of my alltime favorites that actually prompted me to CREATE a section on my blog to feature my favorite current posts. Hope you don't mind the linky love; totally deserved on this post!

Susan said...

But torture is a great way to get people to say what they think you want to hear.

Heather said...

I'd like to see Big Kid go toe to toe with Elisabeth Hasselbeck. I think she could learn a thing or two from him!

Go Big Kid!!

because I said so said...

because the devil doesn't die

julie & joe said...

Go Big Kid! I make comments about political things in front of my 3 year old. He saw a book on the President at Sam's and said "that's Omama".

Rachel said...

BK is such a smart kid, just wait until he's even older. He's really going places, this one.

Something In The Glass said...


Jennifer said...

Big Kiis brillant, but I'm sure you aleady knew that.

Missives From Suburbia said...

If you ever want to get rid of him, he can join my bleeding heart, commie, homosexual-loving, tree-hugging family any day. He'll fit right in.

Maddness of Me said...

SpongeRush Fatpants, I can't stand to hear 3 words out of his mouth. Such a hypocrit. I'd say we need to start torturing Oxycontin users, but there are some I like.

We in Minnesota said...

Isn't it great to be able to teach your children how to be open minded and fair? I truly cannot understand why anyone listens to any of the hate-monger radio/tv personalities who spew venom. They are just mean. They like being mean. Mean people suck.

Alexis said...

Awesome. Rush makes my brain shake around in my head, too.

Julie H said...

What's worse than Rush?

Your husband quoting him to you in the middle of an arguement.

Polka Dots & Protein Bars said...

I love reading what you and Big Kid have to say! I will admit that I am a proud Republican, and I do love Rush, but the torture statement was beyond over the top, and I can't stand behind that.

Tiffany said...

I don't really care for Rush (or Ann for that matter) but it does surprise me that you would listen to it.

Unknown said...

I would NEVER willingly listen to Rush--I was listening to a radio show that was playing clips of his drivel. I wouldn't ever purposely expose my kids to that kind of crap.

Mitch said...

Did you hear it on Bubba? I heard it too! I was cracking up at Bubba's comments about what Rush was saying. Seriously, I'm not a huge Bubba fan, but that was some funny shit.