I'm really behind on everything, including the closet, right now but felt the need to stop and take a moment to tell you all that I am kind of freaking out about Big Kid turning 6 on Saturday.
How have I been a mom for 6 years already? Also, if he's only legally mine for 18 years--I'm already through a third of it. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it makes me want to cry.
I want him to stay 5 forever.
Aw, I get the same way when I think about my siblings. Not my kids, but I did pretty much raise them and it blows my mind to realize that the youngest is the same age now as I was when I was babysitting them.
I get the feeling, though, that BK is going to be your baby forever in his kind little heart. Then, years and years from now, you can have little mini-Big Kids. And you can RETURN them when they overflow the toilet. :)
I wonder if that feeling intensifies with age? The more grown up they get the more we want to cry.
I totally feel your pain!
The Boy turned 6 in June and is starting Kindergarden in 2 weeks. I'm having panic attacks already! He's also decided that he needs to go school clothes shopping at the mall. Yeah, not gonna happen on my budget!
The Monster turns 6 on Sunday. So about the time you were having BK I was just starting my 27 hours of labor.
Fun stuff.
I am right there with you.
Bubba turns 3 at the end of the month and I have a panic attack at the thought of him starting preschool or hell, just walking up the steps all by himself.
My middle son turns 9 Saturday--Yay for 8/8! (He also weighed 8lb8oz...)
Their ages haven't really done a number on me yet, but maybe that's because I began the very. last. year. of my own 30s this year and that is scary.
Regardless of their ages, there are still days I think, "What are these half-grown people doing in my house and why the HELL are they calling me mom?!"
I know- P will be 6 next Thursday and I am super-freaked out about it. Plus, as he is getting older so am I, and I am super-freaked out that I'll be in my "late 30s" later this year. Damn 36!
I struggle with my oldest child's birthdays the most. It's both the fact that HE is growing up, and that I am, too. Doesn't feel like that long ago that I went to the hospital, a bundle of nerves, having no idea what to expect with this whole labor thing. Then, suddenly, I was a mom. When I brought him home, I remember wondering why they actually let me take him. I felt odd, getting in the car and just driving home with this little, helpless, amazing thing.
I still can't believe that I am a mom.
Mine will be six in Sept, and I'm already having anxiety. TIME FLIES!
Ahhhh...My son is turning 6 at the end of the month and I just can't believe how big he is! They really do grow up so fast.
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