I have stuff to tell you since it was Big Kid's first day of school today and my first day of doing the Shred.
Unfortunately, since it was Big Kid's first day of school today and my first day of doing the Shred, I'm way too tired to tell you much of anything.
I'm putting the kids to bed right now and going to bed myself soon after. I'm doing absolutely nothing but screwing around online (and working, but nothing else) tomorrow, so we'll catch up then.
Oh, I guess I have to do the freaking Shred video again tomorrow too, it being a 30-days-type-thing, but I'm not even sure if that'll be physically possible, so we'll see.
I've done the Shred. Those first few days are rough, but it's a good workout and it does get easier. I should actually start doing it again. Good luck!
Are we going to see pictures of the motorcycle party? I'd love to see how it turned out.
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