Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No I Don't

little kid is threatening to "beat me down" because I said he can't have pudding if he doesn't eat his dinner. Mr. Ashley finally had to get involved and told him to knock it off, and little kid walked over to the couch we were sitting on, shook his fist at Mr. Ashley and said, "You want some of dis?" and then turned to me and asked, "Do you want some of dis? Keep it up."

It was hard to hide my laughter long enough to be suitably outraged. This is very bad, completely unacceptable behavior.


Katie said...

Seriously, where is he getting this stuff from? Has he been hanging out with the yard guys??

Jaime said...

I hear ya...where does this stuff come from??? My FOUR year old was blackmailing the other day...WTF??? She has a future in Washington I'm sure!

Jillian said...

Watch out. Pretty soon he'll be asking you if you want a pizza and then "wanna pizza deez nutz." *sigh* Boys.

Funny in My Mind said...

a mini gangsta- cute

amyblue said...

love it. oh, look. i'm actually signed in. i would not be able to keep a straight face through that.

Bren said...

Ha ha - at least he asks if you want it. My 2 year old runs into the room saying "mama mama" all happy and then hauls off and slugs me!

Life, Love And Lola said...

Have you been letting him watch The Sopranos???

Unknown said...

You don't let him watch South Park, do you? or Sponge Bob?

Lin said...

lmao...I'm at work (secretly reading blogs) & I just bursted out in laughter when reading this. Needless to say, I got some strange looks but it's worth it.

He's so freaking adorable! I know it's not cool for him to talking to you guys like that but I cant help thinking it's so cute.

julie & joe said...

Are you sure your kids don't know mine? My son informed us last night that if we put him in time out we couldn't come to his house any more.

Anonymous said...

Ashley, My goodness! Can I just say I love your posts about little kid. My son is turning 2 in October and I think he may be little kid's long lost twin, they would be best friends if they ever met. lol Thank you for your humor and for sharing your life with us.


Jennifer said...

Isn't it hard when you know that you should be reprimanding, but all you want to do is laugh out loud.

Stereos and Souffles said...

He's gone gangster.

Mommy Wishdom said...

lol...another great post! You have very funny kids, must get that from their very funny mom. : )

The Mermaid Cottage said...

I once babysat for this little girl who had the best speech impediments. Here it is 35 years later and I still find my self saying them and my husband says them too. My two favorites are "you want a nucka famma?" which translates to "you want a knuckle sandwich?" and "I hate gooah" which translates to "I hate school". And now I'm starting to threaten to "beat Doug down" if he doesn't do what I want. It's either that or the nucka famma.

hee-hee, Sheila from west Michigan