Middea, are you out there? You won the nursing cover but didn't email me your address, and now I'm worried that you're out there all exposed to the world.
I have more stuff I like for you all, though. A friend recommended The Boring Life of Jacqueline, a digital HBO series, which apparently means they don't market it and hide it so well on their website that you have to use the search bar to locate it. I only meant to watch one episode but it was one of the most entertaining, endearing shows I've seen in a while and I ended up watching the whole season yesterday. They are short episodes, slightly under 15 minutes, about a girl living alone in NYC and trying to become an actress; a totally cliche scenario but the show itself was awkward, hilarious, and kind of sweet. Michael Cera shows up eventually and you know you love him. You have to be an HBO subscriber and then you have to be able to watch HBO Go, so good luck ever seeing it. I'm hoping and praying that HBO will love it like I do, so go watch it if you can so I can hopefully see a second season. I love Jacqueline and I'm addicted to the end credits song, which is the same but different each time.
My other favorite thing for this week is probably something everyone but me has seen before. I was formerly resistant to internet video since my old laptop sucked, and I don't like cheesy, emotional things like wedding proposals or group dancing. But this made me laugh and cry and then maniacally laugh and cry at the same time. I want to marry this guy now, the collaborative effort here was impressive:
Don't you wish you had friends and family like that?
There are people in my inbox wanting to give you all things but I've gotten a bit unorganized, which I'm sure is a total surprise to you all. Or not. But let's watch webisodes and flash mob proposals and get to the rest of life later.
That was AMAZING. Tears......
Every time I watch this I'm all "Awwwww!!!" Followed by "What if she said no???"
I saw one flash mob proposal that was so painfully awkward and publicly embarrassing that I would have said no, or maybe just started ugly crying in an unhappy way. I turned to my husband and thanked him for not doing something that monumentally stupid.
I would hope one of the 60 friends or family members would have refused to learn the choreography if there was a chance of a "no".
He did another one called 'Yes to Love'...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXAg5XdK8ac
Oh my goodness that was amazing!! I'm totally crying :)
Oh god, that proposal made me SOB the first time I watched it. I can't even watch it now because I know I'll cry.
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