I also read "The Twelve Tribes of Hattie
It was fiction about a black woman named Hattie and her 12 children, and each chapter featured a different kid of hers and their life story and hinted about how their mother (and her own burdens and struggles as a human being, woman and mother) influenced their paths in life.
I thought it beautifully summed up the challenges of motherhood and of balancing who you are now with who you used to be, what your children need versus what you are able to give, and how hard relationships can be.
I read it quickly and I enjoyed it, even if I immediately forgot all about it. It's not in the running for book of the year or anything but I'm glad I read it.
I've actually read a book twice without even realizing it until I'm almost done. As I was reading, it sounded familiar and i had the feeling I knew what was happening and then idealized I've already read the book!
I've done that, too! It's confusing that they are always changing book covers--don't expect me to remember the actual title or story, that's craziness! I remember cover art and colors.
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