Thursday, July 23, 2009

Memory Lane

I need everyone's help with something. You older closet dwellers will probably be most helpful with this task. I need you to tell me what some of your favorite posts/stories from here have been. Specifically, I need parenting-related topics but for the sake of having a healthy comments section for this post, any answer will do (because I know many of you probably want to talk about the bald beaver bachelorette post or one of the many drama posts again).

This is not some blatant attempt to get you all to compliment me or stroke my ego (although that is always welcome and appreciated). It's for something important and exciting that I unfortunately cannot mention in advance because a small handful of you are psychotic and can't be trusted.

To bribe you into participation, the post after this one will involve giving away prizes.


Kristin said...

You introduced me to WEN and saved my life. Or my hair. Same thing, on a bad day...

Anonymous said...

I loved the apology for the WIC post but I have a feeling that's not what you're looking for. Still my fave.

Anonymous said...

Okay, not to stroke your ego, but I love all of your kid related posts. Give me some time and I'll narrow it down for ya.

Anonymous BS

AE said...

Love you! Have been with you since August 06 BC - I think that is where I found your humor. Anyway, any posts with Emmers would be good. Also, to show your total dedication to parenthood I seem to remember glue guns and Halloween costumes. Plus, there are pictures related to that.

BK and his youtube and twitter experiences. There was something with you running over his bike.

All of these are just examples of parenting in the techno age. Also, you let LK express himself through his clothing choices. . .

Lauren said...

My all time favorite was little kid with the skittles bag. Probably not what you wanted, and I think I got a mental picture when I read it because I spit Dr. Pepper everywhere.

Vikki said...

A few of my favorites include Big Kid on Swine Flu, Juiced and Yeah Baby!

LuLu said...

I loved the one about Big Kid seeing your spanx...Why do you have on shorts under your dress?? hahahahahaha!!!!!!

Ashley said...

I know this isn't parenting related and I don't mean to make you sad but I loved the post about Heidi Louise after she passed. About the camping trip and her being the mascot.

Love it!

Florida Native Mom said...

One of my favorites was about the mom who scolded you for letting Big Kid have nothing but melted chocolate in his lunch box and how you dissed her on the blog for not buying him a proper lunch.

Any of your stories about the crazy school moms are great.

KatiePerk said...

The Nickelodeon Party and the commercial. It cracked me up. The Parenting tip about little kid being attacked by monsters if an adult wasn't around. GENIUS!

Kristen said...

My favorite has always been Today I Have, from December 2007. (I looked it up, I didn't know that offhand or anything weird like that).

Anonymous said...

Parenting-realted favorites are by FAR the birthday party posts, any posts involving Bento lunches (WTF was THAT about?? Were we nuts?)or special labor-intensive treats made for school. I see a picture in my head of candy corn thanksgiving trukey cupcakes.

I will go to Target at lunchtime and buy myself a bag of candy corn. It may or may not be stale, but I'll mow it anyway.


BBC 8/06

Lin said...

I enjoy all of your posts but some of my favs are (by post title):
-Look mom
-He can fly
-All the poop bomb posts
-Parenting Tip
-Squeeze me

All very funny :)

smarti said...

There was a post once where Mr. Ashley took Big Kid to get a drink after school (or something). BK picked out a gatorade and refused to open it b/c he wanted to share it with little kid. Then he got mad that lk wanted more, having already gotten more than BK intended, and eventually BK locked himself in his room with his drink. I used it as an illustration in a sermon, though I can't remember the point. It's only of my favorites!

Also, any conversation BK has I love!

Unknown said...

Holy cow...there are a lot of great posts in the Closet! My fave is probably the Chawbacon one in June of 2007 where you shared about the "special" cupcake. It's such a great illustration of online friends becoming an IRL community!

KJG said...

My favorite posts are always the ones in which conversations with your boys are replayed here. I love that you use their voices. Frankly, what parenting tip can be more valuable than time spent in communicating and interacting with our children?

Shelly said...

I also love all of your kid-related posts. The ones that stand out are how you always make every effort to ensure BK has a good school experience. And about how you try to out-do the other moms. I'm totally like that too (only in my own head, of course, and dh totally has my back).

I also love the LK posts where you list everything he has done or gotten into in a short time frame. And how he calls himself "a bad guy" and the fact that you let him wear wife-beaters. :).

Mama Bee said...

One of the very first posts I read was the one about Child Abuse (read: children abusing you!) and I was immediately hooked. Definitely still my favorite.

Dana said...

As one of the August 06 moms, I've been following forever! I think my favorite post ever was about Big Kid, his reluctance to poop, and the car. That post made me laugh so freaking hard. There's a multitude of others that I really love, too: the Photowow Wars, the post when you told us about moving & the financial situation, and another old school post - a dialogue between you and Big Kid and you were singing/he was telling you to stop - another very funny one. If I were nice I'd go find titles . . . sorry. ;)

Shasta Escargot said...

I love the Easter post with the video where the boys just fall down for no apparent reason! But if we're talking about absolute favorites (not child related), I love your open "Dear Ginger" letter to Ginger of Real Estate Pros/Flip That House. It makes me giggle each time I read it!!

danni said...

There were a couple of posts that involved Big Kid insisting that Oxiclean was great & his misunderstanding that he only had one dirty shirt with a big stain. I laughed so hard about that... how kids interpret the reality and then relay it to school friends. Total mom nightmare


Claire said...

I think I like the commercial post the best when Little Kid was smacking his head and muttering like an outraged and stressed out maestro. That was a good one. Also the one when BK was sick and needed to be in bed with you and he kept springing up saying, "What in the tarnation??" That is great!

Anonymous said...

This isn't specific but I love all your posts about BK & his love affair with Em, Especially since I am dealing with the young love now:-) It is so sweet to see it all play out.


jenn said...

ALL of your little kid posts kill me. I'm particularly fond of the one where lk thought your gardeners were cowboys.

Life, Love And Lola said...

You drinking drugs from a cup.

All of the poop stories make me LMAO.

little kids obsession with Walmart...and that he thinks y'all can buy insurance there.

Your letter to Heidi Louise touched my heart.

dayna said...

I love your funny posts, but the one really memorable post was the one about not having any more children and putting away your maternity clohtes. So touching and well written!

Sam said...

My favorite BK post is the hard O. My favorite LK post is him using Mr. Ashley's toothbrush in the tub. Every now and then I click time machine hoping it'll pull up the toothbrush post!

Yellow Fence said...

I'm an August 06 mom also and my favorite is the one where you squeezed oranges to make a measly little sip of OJ for each kid. LMAO!

Yellow Fence said...

OMG and the hard O... I had forgotten about that one. --and I really had forgotten, this isn't some attempt to be entered for prizes twice.

Jennifer said...

I haven't been around as long as everyone else, but that letter to Little Kid the other day about your hair getting in the poopy water was to die for. OMG. I'm laughing just thinking about it now. But then you know I love me some Little Kid.

Anonymous said...

i loved the one where lk "beat your cat down."

Claire, Sam, Olive and Mae said...

I don't know the title of the post, but it was a long and thoughtful one about letting go of the idea of having a baby girl. Really lovely.

JET said...

I like the stories that have to do with little kid and sharpies. There was also a story about all the stuff you found that he had squirlled away in the backyard? Oh! and how you found him with a can of coke and a screw driver.

The photowow wars got me hooked though.

Judy said...

I love the one where you posted a list of things lk had done so far ending with him opening the deadbolt and making a run for it!

kconnick said...

"Put on your thinking caps" from December 10, 2007. I have been hooked ever since!

Tracey said...

I like the "Seems harsh" post, about using comet to get the food coloring off of LK's face before his doctor's appointment. But the beaver post takes the cake.

Jen said...

One of the first posts I read of yours was about the WIC rant. I loved it! I've been reading ever since!

Anonymous said...

The toilet overflowing, for sure.

And the commercial... one of the first ones I read, fell in love with BK instantly.

The "cowboys" that cut the grass.

And the bit from Jan or so about "That" Guy...

and a bunch more...

Anonymous said...

I have been reading you for over a year. I love, love, love your posts about your kids. From the way Big kid speaks to all of Little Kids antics. What did you all use to call him? It was a funny name. Hands down those are the best posts.

Anonymous said...

Now I remember E-Bull

Joy said...

So I have been around for a while and I will have to go find some of my favs. So give me a bit:) I need to find some with the crazy anonholes

jennyandcompany said...

conversations with big kid - always crack me up. him calling little kid e-bull was too cute.

Unknown said...

Ok -- I still love the one where you tied all the chairs in the house together, so that Little Kid couldn't drag them around to use them for climbing. Foiled again! But not for long......

mmunford2000 said...

E-bull and hard O make me LOL!

Trace said...

Definitely the November '08 post "Getting It Out"...vent to many. : )

Monica said...

My favorite was the bachelorette party for your Catfish, and the Bald Beav, but I am guessing that is not what you are looking for. I still remember your post about finding all the stuff LK hid away on your lanai, and the sharpie madness. I loved the pic of all the chairs up off the floor.

MzLiz said...

Easter with the Ashleys,
backwards alphabet and any post with kid conversations

Anonymous said...

I love the one about dragging in the old car seat for timeouts for LK. He was escaping from everything else and after being let out of timeout he studied the locking mechanism!! That cracks me up every time:) Also when he ran out of the house with you chasing him. His stories kill me:)

Unknown said...

I love all the ones where you post verbatim things the kids have said. Most recently, the vacay post was priceless.

Donella said...

The Vacay post was one of my recent favorites, too.

Anonymous said...

The WIC apology form letter was some of the funniest shit I've ever seen on the internet, as was the hairless pussy, manisha the troll and the photowow wars.

I love your kids but I'm here for the drama ;-)

Always Pretty in Pink said...

I love your stories about your kids. Especially about little kid wanting to be a bad guy, and shooting the cat or something.

I might be crazy, because I can't find it now. But I think you did a post, about big kid talking about how he had to be the responsible one, and you didn't take things seriously enough. Or the little kid eatting garbage story. :)

Anonymous said...

Folks above have covered all the good ones. I am a daily reader, because you make me smile. I love the quotes from the kids posts, but just to be different I'm going to say the garage sale posts. My friend and I always talk about Haitians spitting while we sit at our own garage sales (no Haitians here).

Anonymous said...

I just searched and searched... and searched through your archives because I remembered the exact post that had me hooked (it was the very first post I'd read too). I just remember laughing so hard tears were steadily streaming down my cheeks as I read and re-read the post on June 25, 2007. It was entitled "If You Don't..." (I think... but I'm digging back down that far to validate myself... the date is right the title may or may not be... but the post is absolutely hilarious!!).

Thanks for all the laughs, Ashley!!

Melodie said...

Katie is sitting here laughing at me because reading all of these comments that bring back the memories of these hilarious posts has me laughing so hard that tears are just flowing down my face. Apparently, she finds that to be very amusing.

Mom2Gizmo said...

FAVORITE BLOG EVER...The knife! I can't remember the specifics...I just know the kid in question repeatedly told you he did not use a knife to do whatever he did not do...or was it scissors? Either way, I am sure you know what I am talking about ((RIGHT??)) and I hope you use it! And then repost it so I can laugh again...

HEidi said...

I love your story about BK ranting and raving about Starbucks.

Celi said...

My fave was the post about not having any more kids. Really beautiful and touching.

linda in georgia said...

My fav is Catfish's wedding stories. I laughed soooo hard and just remembering brings chuckles....

~Gretchen~ said...

the beaver pics, fer shur!