Friday, October 9, 2009

Handmade Gone Wrong

This site, Regretsy, completely cracks me up. I particularly liked the vulva key chains.


Stereos and Souffles said...

I threw up a little from the little something of me. That's sick.

Renee said...

It's like Cake Wrecks for handmade stuff - I love it! The commentary is hilarious.

-The Renee

Unknown said...

Caren, my mouse rollerball got all excited and slid down to "reject" as I clicked--I didn't mean to reject your perfectly good comment and I accept full blame for your unclean kitchen.

Stereos, does that mean you don't want a "piece of me" for Christmas? I'm offended. I was going to have a piece of me made for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, as a lover of Etsy, "Regrestsy" just made me laugh so hard I was crying.

Unknown said...

I'LL take one!!

Melanie said...

Thank you so much for that link. It just turned my mood completely around. I sent it to everyone I know who likes to think and laugh; which, interestingly, is not everyone I know.

Caren said...

LMAO! Ashley you crack me up. Please don't reject me this time and by the way, my kitchen is still not clean. This time it's not your fault, although I could blame it on the sheer sadness I am suffering from because my first comment was rejected. That's what I'm going with should I need to explain the messiness of said kitchen.

Cara said...

Don't click on dolls, just don't, you will have to bleach your eyeballs... if you don't, don't say I didn't warn you