Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Snuggie Lives

The Snuggie has been re-released with new zebra and leopard-print patterns.

This has rekindled Big Kid's passion for the Snuggie, and reminded him of the comfort and joy I'm clearly denying him by not running right out to purchase a leopard-print blanket with sleeves.

You can even buy them at Target! What do you mean "a blanket with sleeves isn't practical in Florida"? We use blankets, right? Then why don't we have Snuggies?! It makes perfect sense!

He pointed out that the leopard-print one matches the rice pack his hypochondriac-self likes me to warm up for his "sore knees".

Raising Big Kid is like living with a technologically advanced but slightly crazy senior citizen.


Denim and Pearls said...

I caved and picked up a pink one at Bed, Bath & Beyond last week... I love it! And it was only $12 with a 20% off coupon.

Jacquie said...

I haven't caved and got one yet although Jujube desperately wants one!

Oh! You won an award if you would like it!! Because you are one of the funniest people I read/know! (blog know anyways)

Look at the award I gave you!!!

Katie said...

They make them for dogs now too...

KMServino said...

Did you hear on that commercial that they now have snuggie for dogs too? I'm sure it's too big for Reggie, but I mean you gotta keep those pets warm too!!

Anonymous said...

Just go find him an adult-sized animal-print robe and cut off the loops and ditch the tie (or let Little Kid the Cowboy use it as a lasso) and present it to him as a beloved Snuggie. He'd never know the difference!

Actually.. knowing him, he probably would know the difference.

smarti said...

They make kid sizes too...also found at Target.

Anonymous said...

Poopie wanted one bad, so I got one for my birthday last year. I would really like the pink one though. My mom bought it B&M and Poopie didn't understand why there weren't two. "The lady on the TV says buy one get one free."