Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yay for the Great Pumpkin!

It worked! I'm a genius. A genius who slept til 9 this morning!

little kid told me that he was coming to snuggle us and then he remembered the pumpkin might come to life and bite him. Then he stopped and made a scared face and shivered, and then ran back to his bed where he stayed until Big Kid told him it was safe.

He recounted this tale to me about 14 times this morning and I told him how proud I was of him.

Now I have to think of other objects that could come to life and bite him, so I can sleep in every weekend!


Mommy Wishdom said...

The Great Turkey? Great plan, almost used it. Kicking myself now as I am awake at 6am.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

You need a Venus Fly Trap plant ala Little Shop of Horrors. Is Big Kid wearing the pimp outfit tonight?

Joy said...

Well for the month of December get a Shelf Elf and tell him that he will do bad things if they wake to early-afterall he is pretty dang scary looking

Doodles said...

too cute... my kids were at their Grammies house and what does my body do wakes up at 15 mins. before 7. seriously... my body would sleep in every darn day but today of course not. uggg great idea though.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...Love it! I'll have to try that next year..and tell my BFF about it. She's always looking for things to keep her kids in bed.

middle of nowhere, Ireland

Melissa said...

LOLOLOL!!! Love that.
Thanks for the laugh this morning. :)

meredith said...

okay, so did reggie get evicted or what???

Unknown said...

No, we still have and love Reggie! He's my boy! He's not very active though and with both my cameras out of whack, he doesn't provide much interesting content.