Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cleaning Up

little kid sprayed down my kitchen with sunscreen this morning. SPF 30. I'm pretty pissed about it since we need sunscreen and go through it like crazy, and the spray stuff is pricey (but vital when you're dealing with whiny, squirmy kids who need re-application) and because my whole kitchen is now slick and reeks of faux-conut. Also, we don't need any help with making messes around here--they happen easily and naturally, no reason to spray down the cabinets and appliances and tile floor with greasy smelly stuff.

He's on a real mess making streak lately. For no clear reason, he's been having accidents in the middle of the bathroom floor. He is good and potty trained, so I don't know what's going on there, but it sucks. He has "on purpose" and "on accident" confused too, so he'll come tell me that he pooped on the bathroom floor on purpose (or maybe he is doing it on purpose). Sunday morning around 7am, little kid's wet, cold, clammy hand reached out and patted Mr. Ashley on the face, and told him that he had peed and pooped in the bathroom on purpose but not to worry 'cuz he cleaned it up. Or tried like a good boy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU God that it wasn't me. Because little kid's strategy for cleaning up poop is usually very different from anyone else's and results in far more damage than need be.

So, Mr. Ashley's Sunday morning sucked.

My goal this week is to kick the laundry's ass. We are never "caught up" on laundry, the very idea is inconceivable to me. little kid has to change his jeans every time they get wet or dirty, everyone thinks towels are one-use items, Mr. Ashley's work clothes are constant, not to mention all of the rags and towels used to clean up puddles of various substances.

Plus, I suck at laundry and hate doing it.

But, the laundry is my bitch this week. Everyone's drawers are overflowing, my linen closet is stuffed full and the pile is much smaller...but there is still laundry. There is always still laundry. It's a mystery to me. That's why I hate it. You can never truly conquer the laundry. It's a life long fight and I don't think I have what it takes to commit to that.

I'm going to do it this week though.


Lin said...

Good luck with the laundry! I hate doing the laundry too. Fridays are usually my days to get it all done & somehow I end up washing 2-3 loads & then give up. It's a really bad habbit. I have a pile of whites' sitting at the bottom of my hamper that I haven't seen in months...gross.

Patience said...

ahahahaha..sorry but little kid is so damn funny!

Nikky said...

For the record, I am CONVINCED that they changed the meaning of "accident" and "purpose" when I was about 4. Because I apparently had them mixed up too, but I SWEAR someone told me what they meant and it was opposit.

Tell lk he and I are going to get to the bottom of this.

Melanie said...

I think everyone hates laundry. I love sorting and starting it. Just the idea of nice, clean clothes is fab. But when that damn dryer buzzes, telling me it's time to fold and put away, I suddenly have desires to mop the floor or clean out the junk drawer. Then I keep washing and drying and not folding until the underwear runs out and I take a whole day to fold and put away. I get a grip on it by doing a load every day and then it's only one load, but there are always the reds or the whites sitting there waiting, watching.

PaperCourt said...

I hate laundry. I'm trying to convince the mister that a new fancy front loader would make laundry much better. We'll see if that happens.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

On the off chance you haven't yet tried this...have him help you clean his messes (but with you) so he sees how hard and long it is to wipe down the entire kitchen and such.

My cousin once filled his mother's car gas tank with the hose. That was 30 years ago and is still brought up ever holiday meal!

Jennifer said...

Last week it was puke and this week it was sunscreen. I feel bad for that kitchen. And for the lady that has to clean it up.

Jamie said...

I freaking hate laundry too! IT SUCKS! I actually just took a huge load to the laundromat so I could get it all done in one afternoon and then worry about putting it away. I totally lied and told the girl at the counter that my washer and dryer broke, when really, I just suck at doing the laundry! You are right..it is never ending!

Peggy's Place said...

I don't mind doing laundry. BUT I hate, hate vacuuming. Wanna trade?

Lass said...

My little brother was just like LK! He's 22 now and has it all together but he was TERRIBLE as a child - our pet name for him was "The Wrecker". Mum was at her wit's end with him for years but school straightened him out (and gave her a much-needed break every day).

Sunscreen though. That's just evil. Good thing he's so cute.

Jenna & Jordan's Mommy said...

I swear you are writing about my 2 year except that instead of using sunscreen (she did that this summer) she was "cooking" and "cracked eggs" ALL over my kitchen. This was actually not as bad as the time she was "cooking" and "cracked eggs" ALL OVER MY CARPET!! Oh, and laundry is totally the enemy...My girls make their biggest messes when I'm slaving over the laundry.

Amy said...

one of my friends and i were discussing laundry and housework in general, and she compared it to sisyphus pushing the rock. i think that was right on.

Julie H said...

I caught up on Saturday. 10 loads. I kept track :) Of course we ran out of hangers about load 7, that tells you how often that all the laundry is clean. And it maybe wasn't ALL done because I refuse to go into the teenagers room unless I have to.

Totally cracked up on the "on purpose". Poor Mr. Ashley, what a way to wake up! I think I should have trained my kids to go to Daddy for everything when they were babies. Life would be much easier (for me) that way.