Monday, November 30, 2009

In the Dark

I know I will probably have my vagina revoked for saying this, but...

I don't like Twilight.

I don't like it. I don't get it. I'm sick of hearing about it.

I'm also annoyed that I don't like it because people seem to have a lot of fun loving it all and I hate feeling left out, but I just don't understand.

I thought the book sucked (but I didn't read the whole thing--I couldn't) and the movie was awful (didn't make it through that either) and I'm just not that into underage guys who wear lipstick. Maybe this makes me old? There have been signs of that lately, I've totally got a "music these days" post brewing in me so stay tuned for that.

I know smart well-read women who like this shit too. I know some of you do. I even know MEN who like it. Men. With penises. Not gay ones. But I don't see the appeal. Give me Interview with a Vampire any day--Team Edward and Team Jacob can have each other.


Sasha said...

I am boycotting it just cause. It gets on my nerves and I refuse to even check it out.

Anonymous said...

It's lame. So incredibly lame. My sister drags me to the movies. I eat a huge tub of popcorn and fall asleep. Best nap ever during New Moon!

FunnyGal KAT said...

I, too, am seeing those signs that maybe I'm not as young as I feel (and I don't mean the new grey hairs I found this morning!) Anytime something is mentioned about the actors and actresses in "Twilight," I'm like, "Who?" I've never heard of any of them. If I start saying, "Well, in my day..." I'll really be in trouble!

Laura said...

I thought I was the only person who had no interest in the whole twilight thing! Glad to see I'm not alone! Love your blog! :)

Lin said...

I'm totally agree! I cant stand these movies or books. My mother in law was over for Thanksgiving & all she did was talk about this damn movie. It was torture.

Finally, my husband looked at her & said "mom, if you dont shut up about this movie I'm going to have to shove a turkey leg in your mouth". It was hilarious cause that's exactly what I was thinking!

Allison said...

I don't like it either. The first thing I heard about it was advertizements for the shirts. Nothing so heavily commercialized is interesting to me. I like vampires just fine but NOT that. Blegh.

Theresa said...

I don't like it either, but was moved by my 15-year old nieces to watch it. When I said that I didn't think it was that great, they insisted that I read the book because, "Oh, the book is soooo much better!" I refused and now they think I'm "old." Well, I am old and I'm over it.

Unknown said...

All my girlfriends are into it, and it is all they talk about. It drives me crazy! I haven't seen or read any of it, and now I feel like I shouldn't just so that I'm not one of "those girls". And I'd probably end up liking it, so I'll save my husband the pain of hearing about it and stay away altogether.

Unknown said...

The older I get, the less I put up with shitty books. I used to read everything I started no matter what, but not anymore. You've got 3-4 chapters max to make me want to keep reading. There's too many good books out there and not enough time.

I see I'm in good company in not liking it. Next we'll be screaming at neighborhood kids to stay off our lawn. ;-)

Meghan said...

I concur whole heartedly.

Ami said...

I'm SO glad to know I'm not alone in not getting/liking it. Most of my co-workers... teachers... are into the whole thing.

And, current music?!?! Don't even get me started. It's almost like I instantly got old when I turned 30. :)

Jaka Merriman said...

I've always been hugely adverse to vampire lit/movies for quite a while now, but I do get why people like it, especially Twilight. The series is totally about the ultimate romantic fantasy - a powerful, ultra-sexual (yet chaste) male who is unfailingly loyal and devoted. It's girl-porn. And not that there's anything wrong with that as long as people realise that what they're reading is fiction. It's when things start blurring the edges that there's a problem.

Melissa said...

I read them because I teach teenage girls and wanted to know wtf they were talking about. The books were easy reads, but really stupid and it scares me that girls believe this stuff! I have a student (I teach at a special ed school) that thinks the IS Bella and her boyfriend is Edward. It's sick and I too, am soooo tired of hearing about it!

Jennifer said...

Well basically it just sucks. My 14 year old niece even said that she couldn't finish it. I did read the whole series. Meh. It was something to read and now I can carry on a coversation about it, but that is really about it. I'm not in love with it like other people seem to be. And I did take said 14 year old niece to see New Moon, but I think she wanted to see it for the same reason. All her friends were talking about it and it is really hard to not be "in" when you are that age. I would give the first movie a 2, the second one a 5 maybe.

Caren said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! I feel the same way but I did read the books. All of them. I kept waiting (and waiting and waiting) for them to get better. Never did.

A vampire book you probably really would like is Christopher Moore's "You Suck" and "Bloodsucking Fiends" they go together but I can't remember which comes first. Honestly, anything by Christopher Moore is great but I digress...

Good for you for coming out of the anti-twilight closet, many just aren't brave enough to do that. ;)

S said...

You're not alone. The books - well, okay, the FIRST book; I can't force myself to read the rest - suck. The story is halfway interesting, but the writing itself leaves a lot to be desired (IMHO).

Melissa said...

I can't say I don't disagree with you.

On the books - Twilight was rechidly hard to get into. It dragged and dragged until about mid-book. Interestingly, the author was on Oprah recently and said she actually began writing the story starting at Chapter 13 and then had to go back to do the beginning - I think that explains a lot.
The writing was mediocre/juvenille at best. The story was good once it got going, but again, it took a long time for it to get there.

Once I'd finished the series I felt like I'd read a good story - but not good books. And there's a big difference between the two.

There are definitely better reads out there, that's for sure.

I have no interest to see the movies. The actress that plays Bella bugs the everliving crap out of me, among other reasons. ;-)

Anywho. That's my two cents. I'll be checking back with these comments though. I bet they'll get amusing. LOL

Sara said...

WOW...I can't believe there are so many of you who disliked it!!

I loved the books!! (except the last one- got too hokey ) Movies are just OK. Nothing spectacular by any means!! Rob is nice to look at. hehehe

I love to read and these were different. A different world to step inside of. But at the end of the day, it's a book. That's all. Purely for entertainment.


Nikky said...

Amen. Sorry, but emotionally abusive and borderline rapist are on my "avoid" list, not my "love and huggle them and ditch school/future/family/friends/outside interests/being alive" list.

Also, in the last book he eats her uterus. Yea.

Charity said...

Count me in as one who doesn't get it. I wasted two weeks of my life reading the series because my 13 year old daughter wanted to read them. I really felt as if I was 15 again, it sucked. It made me remember feeling the way Bella felt and I tried so hard not to scream out "Grow Up! Quit being such a girl!". The fourth book was the lamest of them all.
The movie was BAD, but I am taking my daughter to see New Moon this weekend because she earned it. There was no way I was going the first two weekends.
My husband's new mission is to show her what real vampires are, so she is reading the Anne Rice series and is watching vampire flicks with him.

KMServino said...

I agree totally!

Anonymous said...

Not reading it, not watching it, never considered any of it and yes, I am old.

miss. chief said...

Ugh, it's awful. I'm with you!

Anonymous said...

I read the entire series, and while they were ok, I kept waiting for something more. Very light fiction, lame girl lead, dumb boys. I don't understand the fascination. Read some Sookie Stackhouse books if you want cool vampires.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree!!! :) I tried twice and couldn't finish the first book. I am feeling tempted again to try it but....then I feel silly for even wanting to!

Anonymous said...

He doesn't "eat" her uterus. sorry


It's a book people. No need to get all riled up!!

Nikky said...

Sorry :)

In the last book, he chews their impossibly conceived hellspawn from her uterus after it breaks her spine in a glorious bloodfest.

I don't think anyone's getting riled up, it's just one of those things you have to laugh at. Whilst cringing.

Unknown said...

Trust me, we're on the wrong side of "riled up". I think we're more weirded out than anything.

Seriously LMFAO at the womb thing. Wow. Just wow. That's all.

I hear the Sookie Stackhouse books are fantastic, I'm going to get to those soon. I've been reading like crazy lately.

meredith said...

I revoke all of your vaginas!! lol
Just kidding but I guess I am one of the the books!!

Amy said...

i have to admire you for at least trying to see what the twihards are loving. i refuse to read the books or see the movies, and i also think rpattz is not even remotely attractive. i had this discussion with other friends, thinking that this fact must mean i am old. he looks like a little kid and his face is all weird.

hope that takes the heat off you a little.

Something In The Glass said...

I'm so with you on the Twilight thing. I admit that I read all four books, watched the first movie (twice) and will very likely see New Moon in the coming weeks - but I contend it was all in an effort to figure this shit out. What the hell are people so obsessed with?

Angela Tolsma said...

I hate twilight. First movie sucked. Shiny vampires?? Never read the book. Not gonna see the second movie.

I've been reading your blog for a while. You are a wonderful writer.

Unknown said...

Ashley, nooooo!! Raising my hand here. I'm one of the "smart & well-read women" (English major even) who LOVED the books. The movies sucked for sure. Robert Pattinson is ugly without a doubt. I adore the books though. I don't know why. I made fun of my best friend for a YEAR (she's extremely smart, highly career driven, no-nonsense) for reading those books. Then I picked it up one day for $7 out of sheer boredom and read all 4 of them in less than a week! :-)


Alexis said...

I think the women who like it should be the ones having their vagina revoked. It has such a negative depiction of relationships. Entirely unhealthy.

Karen said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! Hate this lame krap!!!!