Saturday, November 28, 2009

Zhu Zhu Pets really are that Cute

I see that Zhu Zhu pets are looking like the next Tickle Me Elmo this year, and I hate to say it--but they are so cute that they are worth all of the trouble.

I had been contacted about throwing a Zhu Zhu pets party back in June and was excited to do it in August for the boys' birthday, but due to repackaging and some other setbacks, I didn't receive the playset and hamsters until September. I didn't go all out party-wise as I had originally planned, but I did invite a few friends over and set up the playset and handed out the hamsters, and kids were freaking thrilled.

The only downsides I can warn you about is that the playset helps conserve batteries--if you let your rodents roam the house, you'll go through batteries really quickly. Secondly, warn your child not to put the pet on their head. Big Kid did this right away and had a hamster quickly entangled in his hair. This is particularly worrisome because he apparently thinks putting a real hamster in your hair would be appropriate hamster-owning behavior. I had to cut some hair to free his hamster, and no, he would not let me take a photo of him with a hamster dangling from his head.

As far as the play set, the running ball is really cute and fun to play with, as are the main parts of the play set and the little add-on car thing. The hamster goes into the garage, slides into the car and races across the room. I crack up every time I see it. We have Chunk and Num Num and they are beloved family members (who sometimes end up under the couch for a week or so at a time, without dying and stinking up the whole house.)

So yeah, searching around town and paying more than retail for these things is frustrating but they are seriously the correct parental answer to the "Can I have a small rodent?" question. They are adorable, they have a habitrail, each one interacts with you and the playset differently and they make really cute noises.

I have one extra one left over and I'm going to give it to one of you for Christmas. Comment below by the end of the day Monday, with either your Blogger user name or leave a comment like "Susie from TX" so that I can easily announce the winner.

I am happy to save at least one of you from tromping around in the cold in search of toy hamsters.


Jordan said...

Jordan from IA

Smoochiefrog said...

Count me in, even though I have no clue what they are. :)

Anonymous said...

Tara from Tennessee!

Ned said...

Ned from Peyton Place

jennyandcompany said...

thanks for filling me in, I never knew what they were, but saw everyone fussing about them. now we need one!

Noele said...

Noele from Georgia.

Fun giveaway!!

Ashley said...

Why not?

Ashley from Arkansas

Bren said...

Bren from Wisconsin - Life in Maggie's World. I wondered what all the fuss was about too but they sound cute!

The Semi-Domesticated Mama said...

Ooh Ooh, I've been searching for these things. Snarky Mom from Snarkiville.

Jamie said...

I had to Google these to see what they are. Now that I know, I'm pretty sure we need one! My 4 year old was checking them out with me and decided that she was going to add one to her Christmas list!
- Jamie from Iowa-

Nikky said...

Oh, my little sister would go nuts over these! I had a pet rat once and I swear she played with her more than I did.

Nikky from Michigan. :)

Allison said...

Allison from Texas! Thanks for the description. I saw them on the news but didn't realise they did all that.

Kelli said...

Kelli from Medford, NY.

You would make my kids Christmas (Katy is 2.5 and Liam is 5). THis is the best giveaway!

ABW said...

I have been searching and searching and searching....and did I mention searching for one of these for my daughter. Please sign me up!!!!

Scarlett said...

Scarlett from Texas!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for all the info about them, I had no idea they did all that... Count me in as well...

Jenn in Michigan...

Anonymous said...

I would love to have one!! Well, for the kids of course :)

Kelly from TX

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm glad to hear an actual review of these things.

My almost 6yo and 4yo daughters are aching for them and I always seem to just miss them at the stores.

Christina from MI.

Melanie Sheridan said...

Thanks for the hair tip. I have a feeling that's something my nieces would do!

Melanie from CA

Hippie at Heart said...

I'm thrilled to hear these toys are actually worth the hype. My daughter's Christmas list consists of 4 items & one of the Zhu Zhu pets is at the top.

Magan from AL

The Drama Mama said...

This is on my 6yr old's list. I looked them up online and they look cute enough. Not cute enough to have been trampled on black friday for, but cute none the less.

Pam said...

Pam from Wyandotte, MI - When I first saw these on TV, I thought these are cute and kids are going to want them. My daughters would have loved them when they were young, but now my grandson would think they are great!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure my little kid would love one. -Brandy from Arkansas.

Anonymous said...

I have been searching and searching for my niece! She would be thrilled!
Shelley from NY

Amanda (from TX) said...

Very cool review. I wondered whether they were worth all the hype or not, but they definitely sound better than buying my 4 1/2 yr old a real rodent, ick!

Peggy's Place said...

Peggy from Seminole, FL

If I win, give it to a kid that is stuck in the hospital during the holidays.

Kristi said...

Kristi in NC!

Anonymous said...

Marissa from Albany, NY! Thanks!

Celi said...

Celi in CA. Great giveaway!

Katie said...

Katie from Michigan :)

dayna said...

oooooh this would be good. My three year old keeps insisting we get a pet (even after I remind him of our 96lb. dog). A battery operated rodent is even better!

Dayna from Georgia :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds neat. Count me in for anything free. I always say..if it's free, its for me :)

Susan in Dallas

Desiree said...

Desiree from MA

The Girl said...

Jen from NYC. I was looking for one for my cousin. She is going crazy for these.

Jesse said...

jess from...north dakota i'm sad to say.

Rebecca from MS said...

I want it!

Rebecca from MS!

Allyn said...

Allyn from Tennessee! My niece would love it!

Jen A. in WI said...

Count me in! I've got a 6 year old boy who would get a real kick out of it!

Carrie Fraser said...

El from Buffalo

Unknown said...

Lori from Midlothian

Lisa from MN said...

Lisa from MN (though we're coming your way to visit the parents for a winter vacay!). My girls quickly became un-enthralled with their hermit crabs, and I'm quite sure they are going to stink to high heaven before we figure out they're dead! This would be a good distraction while we spirit away the crab cage!

mitch68 said...

Oh, my kids would be beyond thrilled!

Michelle from IL

This Mom said...

This mom from UTAH.

And having FIVE kids I am sure one of them would live to get this.

Melanie said...

Mel the Positive Pessimist from OK

The Chic Chauffeur said...

Okay, I'm in. I am considering getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to try my luck at toys r us......

I think I stand a better chance with this contest!

Fullerton Family said...

Almost bought one for my little girl's bday in Sept. when there were plenty. Now that I want to get her one for Christmas, there are none. So count me in!
Kimberly, AZ

Melissa said...

Ooh ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

Beck said...

How cute!! Great giveaway!

Kelley said...

My nephews would LOVE this!!! -Kelley S. from Suwanee

Mom2Gizmo said...

Awesome! My Big Kid wants one of these and I had NO CLUE what it was until the middle of black friday...and um, yes, they were sold out EVERYWHERE!!

Molly from Pennsylvania!

Kerrie said...

Kerrie from Oregon

Mama H said...

So, I totally thought these were lame until I read this post. Now I wish I had waited in line all night at TRU to get one... Maybe today will be my lucky day and I'll win one from you!

Mama H in South Carolina

Anonymous said...

Shelley from NC would love to win it for her nephew!

Katie said...

Katie from CA...

Caren said...

Hmmmm... isn't that interesting... all these comment leavers coming out of the woodwork for a "free" mechanical hamster. What I want to know is where are they when our friend Ashley just needs a normal comment or a little pick me up? Because they're certainly not here leaving comments now, are they? ;)

Anyway Ashley, I know The Son would love that hamster thing and trust me, it's the only way the child will EVER have a rodent.

Thanks! Caren in PA!

Anonymous said...

Alissa from MA

Mommy Wishdom said...

Kellie from Arizona

ETsmommy said...

I've seen them in the store, but had never really looked at them! However, I could use it as a stocking stuffer for my 3 year old!

Rachel from KS

Anonymous said...

Ginny from Las Vegas

Jeni said...

Jeni in Guam

If I went tromping around here looking for it I wouldn't have many places to check and it would be HOT! lol

Unknown said...

SweetMichelle From Texas :-)

Anonymous said...

What can I say here that doesn't look like I'm sucking up? LOL

Amy from WV, via BBC

Cara said...

DS wants a hamster for Christmas, if I can find one of these things, it's the closest thing he will get to one LOL This or a Webkinz Hamster.. I'm a mean momma ;)

Cara from New Orleans

Unknown said...

Jessica from VA

Unknown said...

Jessica from VA

Chacoy said...

I have been looking for one of these EVERYWHERE for a decent price. This is all that "Chucky" is asking for and I searched all over and the prices are rediculous
:{ I oops, I mean Santa would be the GREATEST!
Thank you for the opprotunity:O

Aimee from New York said...

Aimee from New York would love to win one for her son!

Rebecca said...

Rebecca from NC

Anonymous said...

:-D Kristie from Sunny SW FL

Jennifer said...

Jennifer from TX

I would love one of these things. I "heard" TRU was supposed to have 50 each this morning, but seeing that they opened at 7:00 and it is now 7:24 I'm guessing I'm out of lck getting one there.

Jen said...

Jen from TN.
I've seen these on tv once, and now that I've read your description, it sounds like the perfect "pet for my 4 and 5 year olds! My 4-year old daughter announced that she wants a mouse for a pet. HELP! (She's not getting one, but she thought it would be a cute little pet). Ick. I can handle this hampster toy - never thought about actually getting one, but now i really want one!

JET said...

My five year old son has been wanting to give this to his six year old cousin, Alexandra, since this summer. Please consider giving it to Truman so he can gift it to Alexandra.

Kelly from Owosso

Anonymous said...

Julia in Missouri :)

Jess said...

Ah, I'm bummed you couldn't get a picture of it. I can just see Big Kid standing there, arms crossed, hamster hanging from his head, declaring there is no way there will be a picture for this one.

I want one, too!

Daners said...

I think this is a great "pet" for those that don't like the live thing.

Dana from FL

jenn said...

Sounds like something my youngest would knife someone for! Love it.

Anonymous said...

I can't quite figure out if Zhu Zhu pets are the product of heaven or hell. I hate the "it" toy of the holiday season so that makes me lean towards evil. But damn if it's not the best idea ever! No stinky cages! No hamster crap stuck in the cracks of the hamster ball. It's ingenious! My 6 year old (an August babe like Big Kid) has been begging me for one. The last thing I want is to be trampled to death for Christmas.

Just Another Mommy in Margaritaville

Kelly said...

I love your blog!
Kelly from Denver

Rachelle said...

Rachelle from Utah!

Megan said...

Megan S. from California :)

Adrians Mama said...

Meaghan in Missouri!!

Bill said...

Bill from Medford, Long Island, NY

Eileen said...

eileen from wine country california would love to win, my grandkids would be pretty darn happy too! pick me, pick me!

Monica said...

My Niece would love this~ Monica from the MN

Miranda from Maryland said...

This could be the perfect "pet"!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. I bet my kids will like it much better then their real hamster who bites them! Thanks!

Melissa from South Florida

Anonymous said...

Allison from London.

PS Have been lurking for ages; thanks for a great blog.

tmjoness said...

I need one!! I need one! I have searched high and low...and still no Zhu...Michelle from WV

Michelle said...

I have a little man who would love the lil critter!
Michelle from Kennewick.

kristin said...

Kritin.g from IL

Anonymous said...

Jamie from Cowtown would love one for my son!

Anonymous said...

Amy from Arizona

Meghan said...

Meghan in Edmonton Canada.

They sound so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Pam From Mississippi! (who has an adorable niece who would LOVE one, if they weren't sold freaking completely out! Damn commercials, for putting the Aunt who always gives her anything she wants in the hot seat!)

Anonymous said...

DeLane in Jacksonville....this sounds perfect since my kids have been begging for a hamster!

My3grcs said...

This would be fantastic for us. My kids lose things all the time and we would have a really stinky house if we owned small rodents.

Unknown said...

oh fun!

erin from NC

Anonymous said...

I am always getting that question too, but demand might be a better word.. "We want a pet!" Now, I've got the perfect answer.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Hey, as long as there's no poop to clean up, I'm in!

Amy said...

oh, all right. i'd like to see what all the hype is about.

Cam said...

I've been looking for one for my nieces--would love to cement my favorite aunt status! Cam in Daytona Beach, FL

Jenn said...

How cute are they?! My girls think their Youtube videos are a riot but I hadn't had a chance to see them in person, how awesome of you to be giving on away Ashley!!

PS. I know how much you loved your job - but it was taking up too much blogging time, so glad to have you back now!!

Zhu Zhu Pets Lover said...

If 2009 is the year of the zhu zhu pets, what do you think will be the must have toy of 2010?

A toy hamster party could be fun just like a Mad Hatters tea party for Alice in Wonderland. Why not? If you have your own party, have fun.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer from NC!!!!!!!!!!

Samantha Laury said...

as of now Zhu Zhu pets are hard to find at all, but fortunately there are some smaller retailers that still have them in stock

Theresa said...

I can't wait to check these out!

Anonymous said...

Nichole from LaPorte, IN

Heather from PA said...

Wow now you know how to get tons of comments:-)
Definately want one of these for my 5 yr old BK.
Love you & your blog!

Heather from PA

Sasha said...

Sasha from Sasha Says


Anonymous said...

christa from keller, tx!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm a little afraid, but I do think it will solve the "can I have a small rodent" issue :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!!

Carrie from just-north-of-Dallas, Texas

Rebekah said...

Rebekah from Portland OR

Anonymous said...

Kim from Tx would so LOVE this for her kids....Thanks!

because I said so said...

WOW! You would make my 7 year old's day! And save me some bank!

Alison from Because I Said So!

Sarah I. said...

Sarah I. from CA

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure about these, but here about them a lot....anna in Oxford

Judy said...

Judy from Savannah, GA.

Anonymous said...

Tara from IL

Unknown said...

My daughter would love these! Sherri from South Carolina

Unknown said...

I am loyal follower of Ashley Quite Frankly and I am also not a fan of the whole vampire business... But I AM a fan of the zhu zhu.