You do realize that would make Biden president, correct?
I mean, he's no Sarah Palin that what you want?
Because I don't even mind him, I think he's more amusing than evil, but he wouldn't be my first choice for president; mostly because I wouldn't want to hear the complete and utter hysteria that would come from you all every time he said something stupid. (Because we all know that you only get to say stupid crap if you do it while being "folksy", like Bush and Palin and the Tea Party rubes.)
I hated Dubya with the heat of one million white-hot fiery suns and honestly feared for my safety while he was president, but I never wanted him dead. Mostly because I understood that Cheney would then become president and my issues would go from bad to worst.
So do you secretly like Biden? Or do you think that when the president dies you just get to not pay taxes and do whatever you want until the next election period? What is the thought process behind joining Facebook groups where you pray for the president's death? Does God really respect such requests?
Even if you don't like his policies, you want to take this guy from his family:
because he's making people get health insurance?
That makes my heart hurt for yours.
Quite Frankly,
P.S. Shame on you all!
Thank you for posting this.
As I told a friend earlier today, I hope I'm not standing next to one of them when God decides to pull them back into line. I can't even begin to imagine that they are true believers, but seriously if they are, they should really be fearful for the day of reckoning.
I agree 10000%! I would like to ask all of the Tea Party people where the heck they were during those 8 years Bush was in office. It's not like the world fell apart on the very day Obama took office. And - oh my goodness - what a horrible thing for people to possibly get healthcare!
I love you Ashley. That's all I have to say.
I'm usually all a fan of jokes that are in incredibly bad taste, but this goes too far.
And the Biden angle . . . hadn't considered that. *shudder*
Go Ashley! That FB group makes me sick. How can you pray for a person to die? There are too many crazy people in this world and I fear for our President's safety. I did not like GW Bush but I never prayed anything bad would happen.
Great post! I agree with you all the way. People really need to take it easy on this crap. We all have something that we dont like about someone but to wish them harm is just wrong. Personally, I like a person & almost always as the pres.
I love this post. It made me smile and reach for a like button right away. I agree with you. We could have it so bad right now. God forbid we actually have a compassionate president in office. I pray for these people even if some of them are my "friends".
Really well put, Ashley. Several of my FB "friends" joined that group and I literally had to read the text three times to make sure it was actually saying what I thought it was. I couldn't stand GWB either, but I didn't want him dead. The whole thing smacks of torches and pitchforks to me.
I just saw that this morning. That is just sad. I personally think Obama is a horrible president and we will pay for years to come for the mistakes he is making, but...I kind of like him as a person. He is a husband and a Dad and I do wish him happiness. I would never want to harm him. These people are what is wrong with the world.
Oh my goodness, I am so glad you posted this! I have been thinking about this all week since this group started popping up amongst my Christian, republican (and I use those terms loosely!) friends on facebook! It disgusts me...
**high five** Well said.
Thank you thank you thank you. I have a few friends who joined that group and it's seriously made me wonder what goes on in their head.
Complete lurker but had to come out of hiding to post - this brought tears to my eyes, what you said really hit the nail on the head. At the very least can these sick people not see that he is a human being with a family? Ugh, makes me want to puke thinking about it
Long time lurker, first time poster (sorry, I'm just not a posting kinda person - don't hate me!). But I totally agree with this post - well said! BTW, I raised 3 boys, and you crack me up on a daily basis, to quote another of my favorite presidents, I feel your pain.
Love it! I could never have said it better myself!
That's great....awesome post, Ashley. I hadn't heard of the FB group, but it doesn't suprise me. I've seen some ridicuously ignorant comments about Obama and healthcare on FB and it just makes to shake my head in digust and amazement.
Here, here!
I'm usually not a political person, but I totally agree with you on this one. I am also not necessarily an Obama fan (wasn't a Dubya fan either), but lord knows I don't want Biden! What a dimwit. And I don't agree with his health care plan. From speaking with and dealing with health care workers on a daily basis, I think the way his health care plan works is not the answer. But I support health care reform, I just wish it addressed the true problems that we need fixed.
I don't think the current reform is anyone's ideal scenario, but unfortunately the non-stop filibustering from the other side forced us to take an itty bitty baby step instead of doing what needs to be done to actually help people. But I'll take the baby step over nothing! I think it's the start of something more.
Allyson, thank you so much for saying that--that's what baffles me more than anything; I get not liking the policies but people who can't see the appeal of him as a person genuinely worry me. Even with GWB, who I believe is an honest-to-God murderer, there were moments where I felt sorry for him as he stood there looking like a confused, vulnerable guy who lacked the skill set for the job (they were very brief moments though.)
Mitch, I'm trying to find your email address and can't. Will you email me? (Not for anything interesting, don't get too excited.) Nice to see you again!
Well said!
Preach it, sister. I'm appalled at even the idea of praying for someone to die... anyone... except maybe Paris Hilton... and Jack Black... and, okay, let's be honest Lindsay Lohan doesn't need prayers, she'll soon stumble into her own grave in some cocaine fueled grave digging publicity stunt...
Of course I'm kidding. Love your post!
Well put, my friend, as always. If I didn't like you so much and also think that people that plagarize are dumb, I would totally steal it and put it up on Facebook for all the idiots to read.
I can't believe people are taking it so seriously... it's a joke. Tasteless.. yes but still a joke. What I don't get is everyone getting their panties in a wad over it. How much crap have we heard the past 8 years with W? IT's the same thing doesn't matter who the president there's always going to be haters.
Hating the president= understandable. Your American right, even.
Publicly (even jokingly) hoping that he will die= bat shit crazy
Like Gretchen, I'm all for tasteless jokes, even when they target people I like--this one is way beyond that. Classless, tasteless and downright insane. Two people that I genuinely like joined that group and I see both of them in a completely different light now.
I don't remember even ONE public campaign wishing death on Bush. No one was that crazy, at least not openly. This isn't even the first for Obama and he's only been president for a year!
Ashley, I totally understand the moments of feeling sorry for Bush. I signed the petition to have the group removed. Shortly after, I received a notification from a 'friend' who had commented on that. I went to look and she had deleted the comment. I know she's a staunch Republican and bible-toting Christian. I'm really curious what she had to say. I'm guessing she decided not to get into a debate with me. It makes me want to take a serious look at my friends list if this what people are seriously thinking.
And, ITA w/ the others that even if you don't like his policies or politics, he's still a person, husband and father.
Awesome post. Thanks for writing it.
OK, but you guys are acting like this is a serious site. Like people are setting up times to pray for Obama's demise. The group that is "praying" for his death... this is the name of the group "Dear God, This year you took my favorite singer Michael Jackson, my favorite actor Patrick Swayze, my favorite acress Farrah Fawcett. I just want you to know that Barack Obama is my favorite president."
OK, it's not a serious group. When I first heard about this "group" that was praying for Obama's death I too (even as a Republican Obama hating machine) joined the group that wanted it pulled from Facebook. Then I read that the above group is the one that they wanted removed. That is stupid, it's obviously a joke. I'm wondering if people aren't realizing what they are really banning.
Oh Ashley I love you today more than ever. Will you marry me? Oh wait....
Well said, Ashley!
Great post! All of it, until Because he's making people get health insurance. Do you even understand that. Do you think that those of us without health insurance are sitting around so excited about not having health insurance or that maybe there are reasons why we can't get health insurance. That none of those issues seem to have been addressed in this lovely bill. I am so frustrated, so angry so filled with rage over all the judgments all the people who think they know so much. Maybe if I was a single mom on welfare I'd get some help. Instead we fall in-between. We're self employed and not wealthy enough to afford health insurance of our own, not poor enough to receive assistance. I have a pre existing condition. They'll give me health insurance sure, buying it is not an issue. Being able to afford the astronomical prices is a different story. I would love health insurance, I would love to get the surgery I so desperately need. I would love to walk into a dr. office or er and not have the big rubber stamp on my forehead that says no insurance. Help me, if this bill is so wonderful help me, I'm desperate, help me.
I totally, 100% agree with you. I was totally disgusted to see how many of my friends on FB actually set this as their status!!!!! I mean really??? People may have different political views, but that is what makes up this great country. He is not only OUR President, he is a loving husband, father and HUMAN BEING!!!! Thank you Ashley for posting on this subject and thanks for letting me vent!! Keep on keeping on!!
Robin, I understand it completely. I haven't had health insurance for close to 5 years. I paid cash for little kid and was treated like the scum of the earth because of it. TWO different people came in WHILE I was in labor to ask how I'd be paying. And I had the money!
I don't know if you've read the bill, but you'll no longer be able to be charged more for your pre-existing condition. People who can't afford insurance but aren't eligible for Medicaid may have options through state-based programs or an exchange through the new reform. If you still don't want it, the penalty will cost less than insurance and they won't throw you in jail for not paying it.
To make it work, it has to be mandatory so people pay into it--otherwise everyone "won't be able" to afford it until they have a major problem and then they'll expect coverage or help.
Right now you have ZERO options, correct? You can't afford private health care, if you could even get it with a pre-existing condition.
I don't like being forced to pay for anything either, but I do know I need health care and cannot get it on my own. Florida has a sliding scale system for children and I'd love to see something similar set up for underinsured adults--there's a chance of that now. There was ZERO CHANCE of that if it was left up to private insurance companies because they don't give a fuck if you and your kids die or not (actually, they'd rather you did if it'd get them out of paying out the money you'd already paid in).
Great post!! I often wonder how people (Christians) can jokingly pray for someone's death. In my Christian (also Democrat) home we were told death was not something to joke about. Ever.
Still proud of your president?
Very. Thanks for asking.
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