Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dreamgenii Pregnancy Pillow Prize

Okay pregnant ladies, one of you is going to have sweet dreams about me every night!

(Pregnancy dreams are weird, aren't they?)

Dreamgenii is giving a Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow to one lucky, miserable pregnant lady.

Look how happy this sleeping pregnant chick looks:

I was amused by the Dreamgenii's odd shape at first, but it makes perfect sense for supporting all of the sore spots since it goes between your knees, cradles your belly and supports your lower back to help you sleep on your side.

When I was pregnant with Big Kid, the only option was those ginormous body pillows (that they slapped the word 'maternity' on and charged double for) and Mr. Ashley and I slept in an antique full-sized bed at the time. There was no room for some sort of gigantic divider. I used a small feather pillow for between my legs and a regular pillow wedged under my back. He still had to sleep on the couch a lot because of this arrangement, and I usually woke up with my pillows on the floor or over on his empty side. The Dreamgenii would have solved all of that!

(But let's all take a moment to pray that Ashley will never have use for a pregnancy pillow again. Amen.)

The Dreamgenii is the best selling pregnancy pillow in the UK (it's just now being launched in the US) and more importantly, my cousin was having back pain during her pregnancy and started sleeping with one and VOILA!, she's feeling as good as a pregnant person can feel right now. The Dreamgenii also gets good reviews on Amazon and can be used as a nursing and back support pillow once baby comes.

Currently the Dreamgenii is available at Bed Bath and Beyond, Buy Buy Baby, Destination Maternity or Amazon.com. Amazon's baby shower registry is pretty awesome, by the way. You get a huge selection to choose from, they're better at making sure items get checked off the registry and they're an easy company to deal with.

But one of you gets a free Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow! Leave me a comment on this post by the end of the day Thursday; your first name and state, your name and blog address, whatever. And you don't have to be pregnant to enter.

I'll use a random number generator to find the winner and will announce it here Friday.


Heidi said...

Thank you!!

Heidi - Vermont

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and would love to try this :) I hope I win :)

The Semi-Domesticated Mama said...

I WANT THAT PILLOW! I haven't slept through the night in 12 weeks and I'm only 16 weeks pregnant.

Snarky Mom @ afostermamaslife.blogspot.com

Amy and Scott said...

Is everyone who reads your blog 16 weeks pregnant? Crazy! I will claim 16 weeks 3 days. Although I try to be good and sleep on my left side, I keep finding myself on my back in the morning, which is apparently a no-no. So I would love this pillow!

Amy - Tennessee

Unknown said...

A friend just sent me the link to your blog and I would love to try this pillow! I'm 16 weeks pregnant with my first child.

Amber - Virginia

Unknown said...

The 16 weeks thing is getting a little weird! You all need your own little in-closet club. Neat to think so many of you will have babies at the same time!

Unknown said...

Okay, not to tempt the fates, but I too, am 16 wks along. This is just freaky. I'm thinking we DO need our own little Closet Birth Club! Seriously though, how cool is that pillow?! I was just thinking that I needed to go buy a new body pillow!

Kerrie said...

Oh, this is pulling me away from lurking (I think you're hilarious, btw. I have forced you on all of my friends).
I am only 12 weeks pregnant (but would therefore get more use from the pillow) and currently can't sleep due to "morning" sickness, but know that as soon as that passes (WHEN WILL THAT HAPPEN?) the pillow would be a sanity saver.

Claire, Sam, Olive and Mae said...

I think that being the most pregnant commenter so far I should have that pillow! I'm 27 weeks and have been stuffing one of my daughter's stuffed animals under my belly at night to support it. This would be a better solution, I'm thinking. :)

Claire (Minnesota)

Mrs S said...

Pregnant with my third and can use all the help I can get :)

Kelley said...

You don't know how BADLY I need this!

Kelley S - Atlanta, GA

Stacy said...

OH! This is what I need! I'm 16 weeks now with our first little one and just starting to really not be able to sleep comfortably unless I'm all propped up between several pillows. In the middle of the night the pillows move and I wake up and have to reposition them. Ack! Hope I win!

Linsay said...

23 weeks pregnant and in desperate need!!

FunnyGal KAT said...

Whoa, almost everyone being 16 weeks pregnant is freaky! Although it makes sense because, by my calculations, you all conceived sometime around Christmas and New Years. Happy holidays indeed!

I only figured that out because I'm 20 weeks pregnant and know about when we conceived.

Ok, enough talk about conception. This pillow looks awesome! I'm going to have to get one even if I don't win it!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm 31 weeks with my 3rd not 16wks anymore, Thank goodness! I would love to try this out.

Thanks Ashley for the review & opportunity!


Mom of One and Another on the Way said...

Hello There From Atlanta, Georgia. Count me in! I am 21 weeks along with #2 It's a girl to go along with our son who is 3 1/2.
Thanks for the shot at winning this great Prize. :)

leni said...

Not preggers [yet], but I do have major sleep issues.

Leni from California!

Jeanette said...

13 weeks and ticked that I can't sleep through the night anymore! Would love this pillow!

Jeanette - SC
jeanetteterry {at} gmail {dot} com

Valerie said...

I'm not pregnant yet, but hope to be very soon!

Valerie - St Louis, MO

Jennifer said...

I was gonna say, "I'm really fat why can't I win." But I'm kidding. Not about the fat part. Just the winning part. I would rather some cute, little pregnant girl win. Or some ugly pregnant girl. Either way. Being pregnant is hard. They deserve free stuff.

Courtney said...

I would love one of these! Looks great!


Angela said...

A good friend is pregnant and I think this would work wonders for her. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Brianna said...

I would love one of these!!!

Brianna- Colorado

Ash said...

I am only 6 weeks pregnant, but I can already tell this is going to be tough for me to sleep though the night!

Ashley - Ohio

susan said...

would love to have. i have a rather elaborate pillow system that i use now.

Anonymous said...

Awww... I wish I needed this pillow! Can't seem to talk the hubs into a third baby! :)

Bethany said...

I'm almost done with my pregnancy, but I would still like the pillow!

Anonymous said...

Not pregnant now *knocking furiously on wood* but my sister in law is and is just starting to get to that uncomfortable, can't sleep no matter what stage!

Ginny, Las Vegas

Anonymous said...

Awesome pillow!!

SweetMichelle TX

Anonymous said...

I'm done having babies *I think*, but this would be wonderful for my friend who is 21 weeks pregnant.

Amy G
Had to post anonymous because I can never remember my google account info

Anonymous said...

Oooo!!! I NEED/WANT this!!!!!!! ~Coco in Illinois

Anonymous said...

Your blog cracks me up & this is a great chance to win my SIL a comfy pillow! I think I'd even like one and I'm not the pregnant one!

Fayetteville, GA

Kelli said...

I'm 30 weeks and sleeping is very painful. I could really use that pillow :)

Mama Bee said...

OMG. Me and Cletus would thank you daily for a pillow like that. Does it guarantee dirty pregnancy dreams?

Kristi said...

I would love this pillow. I am not even pregnant - just overweight and not a good sleeper! :) I have kept my long pregnany pillow for the five years since I had my youngest - my husband HATES it and calls it my boyfriend. I would love this one even more! Oh, I hope I win because I would just be too horrified to purchase a maternity item 5 years post pregnancy! :)

June said...

Move over 16 weekers - I'm 35 weeks and grumpy. Just got yelled at for waking my husband up AGAIN to go to the bathroom. I NEED this pillow! My back needs this pillow. My child needs this pillow. And my dear, dear husband needs this pillow most of all..

Anonymous said...

I'm 19 weeks and just getting the 'I can't sleep and am afraid I may never sleep again phase.' Would loooooove this pillow!
Katie in Colorado

Anonymous said...

Not yet knocked up but am working on it!

Celi in CA

Amanda said...

I just found out I am pregnant again (with our 4th!!!!). I would really, really love this pillow. It looks much more comfortable than my husband's back.

alittleazfamily @ msn.com

Jessi said...

Looks comfy cozy! Would love it! I have back problems and we're trying, so this would be perfect!

Jessi - Atlanta, GA

Angela said...

Well I am not prego, but I would love to be able to give it to my Best Friend since she is prego and then when I become prego again she can let me borrow it. I think it will be really cool. Thanks

AmandaL said...

I'm not prego yet, but we're definately trying.
Amanda in KY

It's the wife said...

What a cool pillow!

Valerie in MN

Unknown said...

Jennifer in Minnesota - 27 weeks pregnant

massage momma said...

OMG! I desperately need this. I'm almost 20 weeks pregnant and my body pillow just isn't cutting it. It would be nice to actually sleep in the same bed as my husband for once. Everyone would benefit from me winning this pillow!

PS -- I love your blog.

Heather in MI

Desiree said...

Needz this.

Desiree 13 weeks 4 days in MA
prairiedragon at msn dot com

Christine said...

I sooooooo want this pillow. I'm PG with kiddo #2 and remember the horrible "pillow fort" I had to construct every night just to sleep.

Christine, Indiana

Margaret said...

Would love this! Margaret in SC....

Tammy said...

Um...I swear I begged for this pillow yesterday but am not seeing myself. 20 weeks with pregnancy #3with a 10 and 7 year old can you say SURPRISE!!)...did I mention that I am also 37. I would love this.

Tammy in NY

Jess said...

DAMN IT! I'm not entering, 'cuz I'm not preggo (nor do I ever want to be ever, ever, EVER again) but that's EXACTLY the pillow I told my hubby I needed (without knowing about it) The good things always come after I don't need them...

Acorns and Oaks said...

Ok, I haven't seen an announcement yet, so I'm commenting in a pathetic attempt to get an entry in late! I'm 32 weeks and baby is getting HEAVY! I so badly need a good sleep after chasing my 2-year-old and my 28 8-year-old students around all day, this looks SO awesome!

Week 23 Pregnancy said...

Cool Pillow, I hope will use it.