Today is my 9th anniversary!
To celebrate, I went out and bought myself all new panties and some really impractical shoes as a gift to us. I have no idea what I'll wear those shoes with and I know I won't get to wear them often--but that's why it was fun. When I tried them on, little kid slapped his hands to his face and said, "Ohhhhh, you look fancy!" I felt pretty fancy.
Life is good. (and not just because I got to go shopping.)
Mr. Ashley and I have been together for 12 years and pretty much moved in together after our first official date. We were 19 and 21. I am stating this because I feel old having been married for 9 years already. I am kind of old but I started early.
There's this elderly couple from my old neighborhood who I used to see every day wearing matching sweaters and holding hands. They would walk to the grocery store and the newsstand. They're both in great shape and they mostly wore identical solid-colored hoodies. They always look happy and you can tell from a mile away that they love each other and have for a long time. I want to be them when I grow up.
Mr. Ashley has said no fucking way is he wearing matching sweaters but I think he'll give in. He doesn't object to me color coordinating the family on special occasions now and when he's old, he won't be able to put up much of a fight.
I'll wear him down over the next 40 years.
Tonight we're taking the kids to the Melting Pot for dinner and hoping no one catches on fire or eats raw meat. Wish us luck!
HA HA HA HA HA! I love this - happy anniversary but I love the purchase you made for yourself...I love it. Love MG!
That's 63 years in dog years, which I feel is how marriage should be measured.
Happy anniversary! I just celebrated my 7th on Monday, and our stories are very similar. I also love the Melting Pot but worry about salmonella. Your purchases are perfect although my Hubby would tell you that the panties don't matter - it's what's under them! The shoes may not be too practical outside the house, but if they go well with the underwear, then... I kid. Sorta. Have a good night!
Happy Anniversary! Yeah for the shoes and yeah for Melting Pot!
Happy anniversary, Ashleys. Congratulations!
Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a blast at dinner.
Happy anniversary! Have a great time at the Melting Pot! Yum!
Are you my dating doppelgänger? My husband and I met when I was 19 and he was 21 and moved in together directly after our first date. We'll celebrate our 2-year anniversary this August.
Go. Have fun. Wear those shoes.
Wear the new shoes with the new panties and life will be all good at your house, LOL!!! Happy Anniversay!!
Wear a pair of the new undies and the shoes to bed tonight. If you want to be fancy tie your hair up with some ribbon or attach a bow in a strategic place.
Happy Anniversary (and ha ha to what Fat Chick said cause I most all of the time totally agree).
BTW I was 18 when we married (he was 22) we celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary this August, that 140 in DOG YEARS!! holy shit!
Happy anniversary! I've been reading your blog for a while now and it seems like you and the Mr have been through a lot of changes in your 12 years together and still seem very happy with each other. I am confident you will be just like the old neighbors in 40 years.
Hope you had fun at the Melting Pot. I love that place!
Happy anniversary! Mmmm...the Melting Pot! Have you been there since we had our date there? :)
Time to start thinking about what you'll do for the 10th anniversary! That's a big one.
We'll have our 13th anniversary in August. Crazy.
-The Renee
Happy anniversary!!
My husband and I met in September and were married for Valentines Day. We just hit 10 years. I'm more in love with him now than we first met.
Happy Anniversary!! Ours is the 28th and will be 9 yrs as well. We also did the move in quickly at 19 and 21 - young lust now total love!
Hopefully your new panties are a big hit for you and Mr A ;)
Oooh! Must see picture of shoes! Congratulations!
Happy Anniversary Ashley and Mr. Ashley! It is a huDge accomplishment that you two have been together for 9 great years! I hope you have many more together and can continue to resist the urge to smack each other upside the head! :-)
Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on still likeing (liking? that doesn't look right) eachother.
Happy Anniversary!
I hope dinner was delicious and fire extinguisher free.
So sad to point out, however, that this post is pointless without pics of your decadent fancy shoes.
Many happy returns to you both! My very first anniversary is coming up in June and I'm not sure what we're doing yet. My mom is, entirely by accident I'm sure, coming up to visit that weekend (New Mexico to Ontario is a long way to go), so it might wind up being fishing. We'll see.
Happy happy! <3
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